How to use Freeze effectively in Clash Royale

Posted by Campbell Bird on April 18th, 2016
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Freeze is probably the most versatile card in Clash Royale. Here's how you can make it work effectively in your deck.

Use the full extent of the radius

Freeze has a radius of effect. Try to take advantage of this by freezing as many of your opponents units and buildings as possible each time you use it.

Hog Rider combo

A popular combo inClash Royaleis to send a Hog Rider at your opponent's tower, and then place Freeze on it when your Hog Rider arrives.

It's very difficult to counter, as your opponent will have to hope it has a ranged unit like the Musketeer to place outside of its radius and kill the Hog Rider before it can do any serious damage.

Defensive Freeze

Freeze can also be really effective on defence. If you use it to Freeze several high cost units and follow up with a cheap, high damage unit like Goblins, you can create some really favorable Elixir trades.

Want more Clash Royale-related stuff? Then check out our review, podcast,or the following guides:

Has Freeze become an integral part of your deck thanks to this guide? Let us know in the comments below!

Posted in: News, Howto, Guide
Tagged With: Strategy, Tricks, Tips, Guide, Clash Royale
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