What's New
Have you ever wanted to share this app with a friend, family member, or co-worker? If so, we've made it super easy for you with our new app sharing feature! Just open the side menu and to the right of the app name you'll see a share icon, which allows you to effortlessly text a download link to anyone you wish. You can also share the app through Facebook, Twitter, or any outlet you choose.
This update also includes a few bug fixes, just for good measure.
App Description
EngageJAX is a network of over 200 churches in the Jacksonville, Florida area focused on reaching the unengaged and unclaimed population of the city and surrounding areas for the sake of the Gospel.
EngageJAX resources churches to engage the culture, equip leaders and expand the Kingdom of God.
We are the Jacksonville Baptist Association.
The Expand Network app was developed with the Subsplash App Platform.
App Changes
- January 24, 2015 Initial release
- February 11, 2015 New version 3.26.0
- August 11, 2015 New version 3.26.1
- September 20, 2015 New version 4.0.1
- November 01, 2015 New version 4.0.2
- November 21, 2015 New version 4.0.3
- February 01, 2016 New version 4.1.0