What's New
* Looking for messages on a specific topic? Introducing media search!
* Optimized for iPhone X
* A new and improved experience for reconnecting if the app is offline
* Fresh new layout for the Inbox
App Description
The Seven Church app gives you access to the sermons from Pastor Jeremy McGarity, as well as notes, blog post, locations, and service times! Browse current and past sermons series to watch and listen on demand.
Internet Required.
For more information, Please visit http://www.sevensdchurch.com/
The Seven Church App was created with the Subsplash App Platform.
App Changes
- June 11, 2014 Initial release
- August 11, 2014 New version 3.22.2
- December 12, 2014 New version 3.24.2
- February 13, 2015 New version 3.26.0
- May 01, 2015 New version 3.26.1
- September 24, 2015 New version 4.0.1
- November 21, 2015 New version 4.0.3
- February 01, 2016 New version 4.1.0
- June 30, 2016 New version 4.3.3
- June 13, 2019 New version 4.9.3