What's New
- The featured content section of the app is now more immersive and interactive, with added polish to the animations and transitions resulting in a beautiful experience we think you’ll love!
- Upgraded browser components for iOS8+ devices. Now in-app web content renders faster than ever!
- Bug fixes
App Description
Hi and welcome to the Armed Forces' Christian Union (AFCU) App.
We are a fellowship of Christians serving in or with links to the UK armed services and exist to support Christians who are on active duty, married to or working with the British military. We also support efforts to spread the Good News of Jesus throughout Her Majesty's Armed Forces.
We do this by providing a bastion of prayer support for serving members; taking time out together; producing up to date and relevant resources; and by making personal visits wherever our serving members are permanently based.
This App is the definitive way to keep in touch with what is going on in the AFCU. You can now stay up-to-date anywhere in the world, on ops or exercise via Facebook, Twitter or e-mail. If you've just been posted let us know your new details and then call your AFCU Local Contact to find out what's on in the local area direct from the App. You can even download the members’ list so you have all your mates’ details at hand all the time. What's more, with 24/7 prayer support at your fingertips you will never be on a ‘wing and a prayer’ alone again.
Packed with all our resources, you can keep yourself spiritually fed whether at home or in a HESCO shelter and now that our events’ booking system links straight into your phone's diary you'll never miss you favorite AFCU weekend away again.
For more information visit www.afcu.org.uk
An internet connection is required to make full use of this App.
The AFCU App was developed with the Subsplash App Platform.
App Changes
- June 15, 2014 Initial release
- September 03, 2014 New version 3.22.4
- December 16, 2014 New version 3.24.2
- February 11, 2015 New version 3.26.0
- July 29, 2015 New version 3.26.1
- September 16, 2015 New version 4.0.1
- November 15, 2015 New version 4.0.3
- January 25, 2016 New version 4.1.0
- November 08, 2016 New version 4.4.1