What's New
* Looking for messages on a specific topic? Introducing media search!
* Optimized for iPhone X
* A new and improved experience for reconnecting if the app is offline
* Fresh new layout for the Inbox
App Description
Welcome to the official Ask Dr. Dixie app!
Our app is a great source for Biblical Guidance and Spiritual growth. Access Dr. Dixie's radio podcasts and newspaper columns.
We are an inter-denominational, 501 (c)3 Biblical Guidance and teaching ministry. Our mission is to teach how the presence and power of God can make a genuine difference in every area of your life.
Does your life need to change?
Is it difficult to believe there is a solution?
Do you want to learn how to effectively deal with conflicts in relationships?
Is anxiety or depression affecting your life?
Do you want to experience freedom from eating disorders and compulsive behavior?
Do you have wounds from sexual, physical, or emotional abuse?
Do you have a desire to grow spiritually and enjoy deeper intimacy in your relationship with God?
Do you desire to build your life on a Biblical foundation?
Infinite Grace Ministries partners with each person to reach these goals through instruction in the practical and balanced application of Biblical Truth and wisdom to everyday life.
We are looking for new prayer and financial partners!
Biblical Guidance Counseling through Infinite Grace Ministries teaches how to grow deep in our trust of God in uncertain times, as we learn of God’s amazing love and tender compassion. Your tax-deductible gift makes you a partner, providing life changing training for those in crisis. Your tax-deductible donations underwrite the cost of ministry for those who currently cannot pay. For your convenience, monthly auto-debit is available. Call 580-774-2884 for more information or send your donation to Infinite Grace Ministries, PO Box 466, Weatherford, OK 73096.
The Ask Dr. Dixie App was created with the Subsplash App Platform.
App Changes
- June 23, 2016 Initial release
- June 13, 2019 New version 4.9.3