What's New
Have you ever wanted to share this app with a friend, family member, or co-worker? If so, we've made it super easy for you with our new app sharing feature! Just open the side menu and to the right of the app name you'll see a share icon, which allows you to effortlessly text a download link to anyone you wish. You can also share the app through Facebook, Twitter, or any outlet you choose.
This update also includes a few bug fixes, just for good measure.
App Description
Our vision is to build a Christian community where others can come to SEE CHRIST, KNOW CHRIST, GROW IN CHRIST, SERVE CHRIST, and SHARE CHRIST, so we might fully become a Family in Christ.
Our mission: With Prayer and God’s Spirit as our source of power, we will work toward turning the unchurched into attenders, attenders into members, members into disciples, disciples into ministers, and ministers into reproducers. All to the glory of God.
Visit one of our weekend services and you will hear how those promises from God connect with what is going on in your life today. You will experience uplifting contemporary worship and music, and you will discover people here who want to offer you encouragement and support.
What We Can Offer You
Hope! It drives us to the voting booth and to parent-teacher conferences. It takes us to the stock page and to marriage therapists. When you have hope, you can put up with most anything. When you lose it, nothing else seems to matter. We are a community of people who specialize in dispensing hope. The hope we offer is not based on some get-rich-quick scheme or some secret formula for pain-free living. The hope we have is grounded on the promises that God makes to us.
Kids & Young People Count
Each week as adults gather for worship, children explore stories and themes from the Bible through drama, music, puppetry and more. Junior and Senior High students have their own place where they can meet new friends and learn how God can make a difference in their lives.
We’re Here For You
Most homes are built for the benefit of their new occupants. But a church home is different. As a church we are charged with serving, not ourselves, but the larger community around us. A community where people can grow and learn, find support and offer encouragement, know others and be known. And that is why we are here!
What we value:
Authenticity: We strive to make Family in Christ a place where people can be authentic with God and with one another. This means we don’t have to hide our rough edges and struggles. We know that we stumble all the time and so we encourage each other to admit our failings, not hide or try to cover them up. A sense of humor helps us to avoid taking ourselves and our mistakes too seriously—so that we can take the amazing grace of God more seriously.
Community: We’re not interested in becoming a megachurch of anonymous faces, because for us, church is not a disconnected crowd of people who attend public programs together. We strive to be a Christian Community where we are connected to one another so that we may experience “life to the full” that Christ offers us. We’re convinced that quality of life won’t happen if we fail to laugh and cry and work and rest and learn together, connected to God and one another. We believe those connections are best made through small groups that do life together and work to serve our larger community together.
Acceptance: We want to be a safe and accepting place for people, regardless of their background. We understand that we are all at different places in our spiritual journey and we value the diversity of ages, experiences, insights, and gifts people bring to the mix. Because of our desire to remain diverse and mission-driven, we don’t spend energy splitting theological hairs. We work to keep “the main thing,” the main thing and focus with wholehearted commitment on “core Christianity”—those essential truths and practices made clear in the Bible, which Christians across the ages have held in common and lead to spiritual vibrancy.
The Family in Christ App was created with the Subsplash App Platform.
App Changes
- March 08, 2015 Initial release
- August 02, 2015 New version 3.26.1
- September 19, 2015 New version 4.0.1
- November 21, 2015 New version 4.0.3
- February 04, 2016 New version 4.1.0