What's New
This app has been updated by Apple to use the latest Apple signing certificate.
* Looking for messages on a specific topic? Introducing media search!
* Optimized for iPhone X
* A new and improved experience for reconnecting if the app is offline
* Fresh new layout for the Inbox
App Description
Our goal is to glorify God in all we do. We desire to spread the knowledge of God to the world by means of the various ministries He has entrusted to us.
– Listen to WGIB Radio or watch WAY Television.
Some teachers you will hear are Chris Lamb, Martyn Lloyd
Jones, Peter Masters, Clarence Sexton, Oliver B. Green, Ravi
Zacharias, John MacArthur, and many more.
– Listen to or watch the Glen Iris Hour live.
– Listen, watch, and download archived sermons preached from the Glen Iris Baptist pulpit.
– Stay up-to-date with articles, devotions, and resources designed to help you grow in your walk with Christ.
For more information about Glen Iris Ministries, please visit our website at www.gleniris.net.
The Glen Iris Ministries App was created with the Subsplash App Platform.
App Changes
- June 13, 2014 Initial release
- December 01, 2014 New version 3.24.2
- February 14, 2015 New version 3.26.0
- August 03, 2015 New version 3.26.1
- September 20, 2015 New version 4.0.1
- November 21, 2015 New version 4.0.3
- February 04, 2016 New version 4.1.0
- June 30, 2016 New version 4.3.3
- June 14, 2019 New version 4.9.2