What's New
This app has been updated by Apple to use the latest Apple signing certificate.
* Looking for messages on a specific topic? Introducing media search!
* Optimized for iPhone X
* A new and improved experience for reconnecting if the app is offline
* Fresh new layout for the Inbox
App Description
Welcome to The Liberty Church app!
Check out all kinds of interesting content and share it with friends via Facebook, Twitter, or email.
The Liberty Church is a unique ministry - We believe in REAL Christianity.
R-elevant - we preach a message that is relevant to, and for, the world we currently live in.
E-xpression - every member is encouraged to express their spiritual and natural gifts freely to the glory of God.
A-uthentic - At Liberty, you are at liberty to be yourself, leave your mask at home.
L-iberty - it is for freedom (liberty) that Christ set us free (Gal 5:1). We don't do legalism or licentiousness; we believe in using our freedom in a way that honours God.
When The Liberty Church launches on Sunday the 6th of September at the Canary Wharf Hilton, in addition to the main service there will be a children's church, a teen church, a young adults service as well as other family and marriage ministries including coaching and counselling help.
There will of course also be spiritual development tools and small groups to help you grow and mature spiritually. You can find out more about The Liberty Church at www.thelibertychurchlondon.com as we continue to develop the site.
The Liberty Church app was developed with the Subsplash App Platform.
App Changes
- September 05, 2015 Initial release
- November 14, 2015 New version 4.0.3
- January 20, 2016 New version 4.1.0
- November 07, 2016 New version 4.4.1
- June 13, 2019 New version 4.9.2