What's New

* Looking for messages on a specific topic? Introducing media search!
* Optimized for iPhone X
* A new and improved experience for reconnecting if the app is offline
* Fresh new layout for the Inbox

App Description

This is the official app for The Potter's House in Corvallis, Oregon! Keep up to date on events! Watch powerful Christian testimonies and share them with everyone! Stay connected with the Bible! Read interesting articles and posts! Follow all social media for our church without having to go to Twitter/Instagram! Get notifications of upcoming activities and events! Give to several areas including Tithes, Offerings and World Evangelism! There is so much you can do right here and more to come!

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Potter's House Corvallis, OR screenshot 1 Potter's House Corvallis, OR screenshot 2 Potter's House Corvallis, OR screenshot 3

App Changes

  • June 16, 2019 Initial release