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This is the Police 2 review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Campbell Bird on September 16th, 2019
Our rating: starstarstarblankstarblankstar :: PROBLEMS WITH THE LAW
There’s so much going on in This is the Police 2, and it’s hard to understand or enjoy any of it.
Read The Full Review »

Steam Link Spotlight - The Banner Saga 3

Posted by Campbell Bird on September 5th, 2019
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Steam Link Spotlight is a new feature where we take a look at PC games that play exceptionally well using the Steam Link app. Our last entry talked about Terry Cavanaugh’s incredible Dicey Dungeons. Read about how it’s a great mobile experience over here.

Gigantic X guide - What you need to know about the 1.1.0 update

Posted by Campbell Bird on August 9th, 2019
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: TOP-DOWN SHLOOTER :: Read Review »

Gigantic X continues to inspire loot lust over here at 148Apps, particularly because the game has already been updated just in its second week of release.

Unfortunately, this 1.1.0 patch doesn’t bring a whole ton of new goodies with it, but it does bring some changes to the game itself, most of which are pretty welcome. See below for details:

Log-in event

One thing that’s in most live games, but has been missing from Gigantic X, is finally here. Daily log-ins are now a thing, and the rewards for them are nothing to sneeze at.

Until August 9, logging in daily can get you some weapon crates that drop tier 4 or 5 weapons, plus credits and crona. These rewards are surprisingly generous given that all you have to do to get them is open the game.

Gigantic X guide - Tips and tricks for beginners

Posted by Campbell Bird on August 5th, 2019

Gigantic X has only been out for a little over a week, but it’s shaping up to be the mobile loot shooter of our dreams. That said, it’s not exactly the most friendly game out there. We noted in our review that you need to invest some time in the game to really understand what’s going on.

To help with that, we’ve put together a handy dandy beginner’s guide. These tips should set you well on your way in Gigantic X from the outset. See below for tips:

Civilization VI - What you need to know about the Rise and Fall Expansion

Posted by Campbell Bird on July 29th, 2019
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Last week, the mobile version of Civilization VI got updated to include the huge Rise and Fall expansion. Where previous updates to the game provided one or two new civilizations and maybe a few scenarios, Rise and Fall makes sweeping changes to the core game, to the point that it takes up an extra gigabyte of storage on your device.

Such a big expansion doesn’t come cheap though. Adding Rise and Fall to Civilization VI will cost you $30. Given such a hefty price tag, we dove deep to look at what this expansion offers to see if this add-on justifies the cost.

Void Tyrant guide - Tips and tricks for the Priest class

Posted by Campbell Bird on July 22nd, 2019
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Our rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar :: BLACKJACK BATTLES :: Read Review »

We’re still plugging away at Void Tyrant over here. This game has got some serious legs. There’s always new stuff to uncover or learn on any given session.

We’ve already covered the base Knight class here on 148apps, so we wanted to step up and list our tips for the Priest. Check them out below:

Void Tyrant guide - Tips and tricks for the Knight class

Posted by Campbell Bird on July 19th, 2019

Void Tyrant continues to get a lot of play in these parts. Probably because the game is just so deep and varied.

The next stop on our guide series for Void Tyrant is class-specific guides. First up is the Knight, as it’s the first class anyone has access to. See below for a few quality tips for playing this melee-focused class:

TEPPEN guide - The three best decks in TEPPEN right now

Posted by Campbell Bird on July 17th, 2019

TEPPEN’s unique take on the collectible card game genre is exciting. It’s just over a week old, but that isn’t stopping lots of folks from speculating about the long-term viability of the game, as well as changes and additions that will happen over time.

In the days since release, though. One thing is becoming clear. TEPPEN’s first set of top tier decks have emerged, and boy are they dominant. In checking out any community talking about TEPPEN, there are three main deck types that anyone is talking about, and it’s because they’re extremely powerful, to the point that many think some rebalancing is in order. See below for which decks we’re talking about:

TEPPEN guide - Tips and tricks for new players

Posted by Campbell Bird on July 12th, 2019

TEPPEN is a wild game that nobody asked for, but I’m sure glad it exists. Who would’ve thought that a CCG featuring Capcom characters could be so cool and weird?

In case you’re not completely sure what TEPPEN is, make sure to check out our review where we explain this wacky game. Then, come back here for some beginner tips that might help you as you start playing the game.

Void Tyrant guide - Guildins guide

Posted by Campbell Bird on July 5th, 2019

I’ve still been putting a lot of time into Void Tyrant since it officially released last week, and it’s surprising how much stuff there is to uncover in such a simple-looking game. Just toray, I finished spending my Guildins on all available upgrades, and now I have some thoughts.

If you’re still working your way through Void Tyrant and wondering the best way to invest your Guildins, look no further. I have all your answers here:

Void Tyrant guide - General tips and tricks for new players

Posted by Campbell Bird on June 28th, 2019

Void Tyrant is a card-based dungeon-crawler that doesn’t fit in the mold of other games in the genre. Between the Blackjack-style combat and strange gear system alone, you’re left to your own devices to figure out how best to use everything to your advantage to go on a deep run.

It doesn’t have to be this way though! I’ve been playing Void Tyrant constantly both before and after release. Here are some good general tips I’ve learned after many, many hours with the game:

Slow down

Battles can take a long time in Void Tyrant. Even with all the animation and dialogue skip options turned on, everything in the game can feel like it plods along. This is especially true if you’re in a rush to get back to where you died on your last run. Because of this, it can be tempting to try and minimize combat time by tapping quickly through turns.

Avoid doing this at all costs! It’s so easy to make a careless mistake if you’re just trying to rush things along, and a single bad turn can end your run. Always check to see what your opponent has, what cards you can potentially play, and what you can afford to discard before deciding to hit or stand. Taking the time to do this will let you make much better decisions and—believe it or not—allow you to progress more efficiently.

Use ‘em if you’ve got ‘em

On any given run in Void Tyrant, you’ll likely get some consumable cards added to your deck. These special cards usually do not cost much EP to play, with the downside being they disappear from your deck when you use them.

You may be tempted to save and use these cards for when they could really make a difference (i.e. a boss fight), but that is potentially dangerous. As great as consumable cards are, they bloat your deck and make it less consistent. They could even lead to your downfall if you just hang on to too many of them for too long. Instead, just use consumables whenever they seem helpful, and your deck will stay lean and mean (not to mention that you'll also be alive).

Managing EP

Your energy—or EP—in Void Tyrant is perhaps the most valuable resource you have. It lets you pick and play all kinds of cards that can let you overcome the variability of the base combat system.

You should use this resouce as early and often as it is available, but you also shouldn’t squander it. This is to say you should never try to be “saving” EP, but you also should only spend it on cards that will actually give you an advantage in the moment. This might mean discarding more than just the one free discard you get on a turn to find exactly what you’re looking for.

If you do this, you’ll win a lot more rounds of combat, which restores your EP meter with every hit. Whenever things turn south, always remember you can play conservatively and defend against attacks, which allows you to earn back a good chunk of 10 EP.

Alabama Bones guide - How to get the most out of this one-touch platformer

Posted by Campbell Bird on June 21st, 2019

Alabama Bones is a pretty solid one-touch platfomer. While there are times where it’s pretty easy, fun, and satisgying to cruise through some levels, others can be quite tricky.

Leave it to us to take our experience with the game and share it with you, dear readers. See below for a few nice tips for how to have a bit of an eaiser time playing Alabama Bones:

Dark Quest 2 guide - Combat tips and tricks

Posted by Campbell Bird on June 18th, 2019

Dark Quest 2’s progression system is unique in that using characters doesn’t automatically make them stronger. Instead, you have to focus on competing missions with blue potions in tow in order to make your units the slightest bit stronger.

Considering this unique take on progression, it can be tricky to make forward progress in Dark Quest 2. Here are a few tips to help make your progression a bit easier:

Dark Quest 2 guide - Tips and tricks for progressing quickly

Posted by Campbell Bird on June 17th, 2019

Dark Quest 2 is a fairly straightforward dungeon-crawler, and it also happens to have a bit of a grind to it. At a certain point in the game, you’ll almost certainly be going back to replay missions just to make your heroes stronger for the path ahead.

If you want to minimize your time spent grinding out coins and potions, we have a few tips for you. See below:

Wild Bullets guide - Tips and tricks for gutsy gunslingers

Posted by Campbell Bird on June 7th, 2019

Wild Bullets offers up fast and fun wild west action, but it has a good amount of strange mechanics to navigate. Between the game’s unique movement and all of its unlocks, there’s quite a bit to take in.

With that said, we put in a good amount of time into Wild Bullets for our review, so we’ve got some tips to help out anyone that’s new to the game. See below for some of our best advice: