App Description

As the hot summer season transforms into the crispness of autumn, the surrounding leaves and grasses begin closing off its river of “chlorophyll-ed” greens. A new bold assortment of oranges, reds, and golden yellows beam about vividly until they gracefully descent towards the ground. You find yourself walking about, contemplating memories, and wondering about how the divergence in color brings so much beauty in variation within the world. Have you wanted to capture this essence in your own imaginative creation? Are you inspired to add beautiful variation into your living quarters? Look no further as My Craft Academy provides a stimulating tutorial for you to follow and create you own visual watercolor masterpiece!

Learn such techniques as:

- Masking a canvas
- Using reference photos as an aid to empower your own creations
- Creating a “target wash” for back-tone colors
- Blending and merging colors
- Defining important aesthetic elements
- Using varying brushstroke methods/patterns to create different natural effects
- Flicking and Splattering! (with proper control)
- Spraying water to help paint flow and achieve a more natural look
- Layering colors, providing highlights and shadowing
- Texturing the painting
- Stepping away to fully absorb what works/needs fixing to finalize your inspired creation

Fall into autumn and use your imagination to free yourself from life’s hustle and bustle. You’ve always wanted that fun seasonal painting to hang around the house during the festivities. Don’t hesitate. learn and create!

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Paint a Fall Landscape in Watercolor screenshot 1 Paint a Fall Landscape in Watercolor screenshot 2 Paint a Fall Landscape in Watercolor screenshot 3 Paint a Fall Landscape in Watercolor screenshot 4 Paint a Fall Landscape in Watercolor screenshot 5

iPad Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Paint a Fall Landscape in Watercolor screenshot 6 Paint a Fall Landscape in Watercolor screenshot 7 Paint a Fall Landscape in Watercolor screenshot 8 Paint a Fall Landscape in Watercolor screenshot 9 Paint a Fall Landscape in Watercolor screenshot 10

App Changes

  • April 27, 2015 Initial release