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Updated for iPhone6 and iPhone6+
App Description
If you’re thinking of entering the wonderfully rewarding world of cat breeding, then we've got all the advice you'll need. Learn from our expert breeder as she passes on her many years of experience.
Chapter by chapter we’ll take you through everything you should know when it comes to breeding beautiful, healthy kittens.
From the early stages of selecting a breeding queen right up to caring for a litter of kittens, expert breeder Carol Hebden will be with you to help guide you through.
Discover which breed is most suited to your personality and lifestyle, learn what to look out for when purchasing a queen or stud and follow our guide to housing and caring for a pregnant cat.
We’ll also uncover what to expect during the birth of your queen’s litter and give you tips on how the experts care for kittens, from hand rearing to socialising.
Cat breeding requires dedication but is full of reward. If you’re looking for support as you take your first steps, let Carol accompany you on your journey.
App Changes
- June 04, 2014 Initial release
- April 22, 2015 Price decrease: $4.99 -> $2.99
- April 27, 2015 New version 2
- May 06, 2015 Price increase: $2.99 -> $4.99