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Which of these is the best mobile game that came out this week? You decide - July 19th

Posted by Harry Slater on July 19th, 2018

148 Apps logo

Every Thursday here at 148Apps we like to give you a choice. We pick what we think are the five best games that have come out this week, and let you vote to crown one of them the 148Apps game of the week. And since it's Thursday today, that's exactly what we're going to do.

If you want to vote there are three ways to go about it. You can leave a comment at the bottom of this article with the name of the game you'd like to win. You can send us a tweet using the hashtag 148GOW, or you can leave us a comment on Facebook letting us know your pick.

Pretty easy, right? And don't forget to come back on Tuesday to see which of the games takes home the most coveted prize in mobile gaming. Yeah, that's right, the most coveted prize in mobile gaming. Deal with it.

How mobile gaming might change in the next six months of 2018

Posted by Harry Slater on July 18th, 2018

We've already had a look at the ways we've seen mobile gaming change in the first six months of 2018, so now it's time to have a look forward, into our digital crystal balls, and ponder what we'd like to see more of in the next six months of the year. After all, that's the sort of thing we love to do here at 148Apps.

These are suggestions rather than predictions, but if they happen to accidentally become accurate predictions, then we're going to be just as happy as everyone else. Obviously if you've got your own suggestions, stick them in the comments section all the way down at the bottom of the article. Before you do though, let's get on with our list.

This week's game of the week award goes to the brilliant football strategy sim New Star Soccer Manager

Posted by Harry Slater on July 17th, 2018

Every week here at 148Apps we award a game with the title of game of the week. We might pick the five games you can choose from, but it's up to you which of them walks away with the title. And this week it's been a pretty darn close-run thing. But we've worked out the numbers, and can now reveal the winner.

And that winner is the addictive, brilliant, and painfully moreish New Star Soccer Manager from New Star Games. I'd say I was surprised, but to be honest it's one of the best games I've played on my iPhone for a good long while.

Fortnite, PUBG, and Shadowgun Legends - What have been the big changes in mobile gaming in the first half of 2018?

Posted by Harry Slater on July 16th, 2018

This month, we're looking back at the first half of 2018, looking at the good, the bad, and everything in between. In this piece we're having a think about the big changes that have happened in mobile gaming over the past six months, and what they might mean for mobile gamers moving forwards.

It's our job to keep an eye on the trends, new ideas, and new concepts that are happening in mobile, and we've had a good long think and decided that these five were the biggest changes in 2018. If you've spotted any that you think are worth mentining, then make sure you toss them in the comments section at the bottom of the article.

The best mobile games of 2018 so far - Campbell's picks

Posted by Campbell Bird on July 13th, 2018

Now that the year is half over, we decided to take a look back at the first half of the year’s best games and highlight them. So far, our reviews have only hit the five-star mark five times, but there are other game’s worth celebrating here too.

Specifically, the games I’m revisiting are titles that have stuck with me after playing them for review. Whether it’s just because they were so memorable when I finished them or I’m still playing them today, here are some of the best releases from this year so far.

The best mobile games of 2018 so far - Emily's picks

Posted by Emily Sowden on July 13th, 2018

Alright, alright, so you saw what I was most looking forward to this year on the gaming scene, but what about what's already been? We're almost halfway through July, over halfway through 2018, and there's plenty that's happened.

If any of you follow me over on Pocket Gamer you know I've got a fondness for great stories, pretty things, and puzzles, so you may not agree with my choices but, hey, that's the beauty of opinion.

It's time to choose which of these 5 mobile games is going to be the 148Apps game of the week - July 12th

Posted by Harry Slater on July 12th, 2018

148 Apps logo

Well, it's Thursday again. Time moves pretty fast, right? Or slow. Whatever time does, Thursday is when we announce which 5 iOS games are up for our game of the week award. And I tell you what, we've got some right crackers for you this week.

If you want to get involved, leave a comment at the bottom of the article, post on our Facebook page, or send out a tweet using the hashtag #148GOW. It really couldn't be simpler. We'll be announcing the winner next week, so make sure you keep your eyes on 148Apps to see if the game you backed has won.

What mobile games are we looking forward to in the second half of 2018? - Emily's picks

Posted by Emily Sowden on July 11th, 2018

2018 has been a bit of a mix in mobile gaming. We've had some real gems like Oddmar, Candleman, and Dandara, and we've had some disappointments, but what about the future?

These upcoming games have me excited for a number of different reasons, and some of them are a little – er – weird. Though it's easy to just focus on what we know is coming and what we know we're going to get, it's much more fun to look forward and speculate on what we don't know, eh?

No? Just me? Well, we'd best get to it then.

Dead Island: Survivors from Fish Labs and Deep Silver wins last week's game of the week award

Posted by Harry Slater on July 10th, 2018

It was a close fought thing, but we've double checked all of our sums, and we can now confirm that the winner of the second 148Apps game of the week award is Dead Island: Survivors. A bloody good show, if you'll pardon the pun.

But what was it that pushed this tale of undead hooligans, flesh eating monsters, and bat-wielding heroes to the front of the queue? Well, apart from all of those things, we reckon Dead Island: Survivors got one thing spot on.

Around the Empire: What have you missed on Steel Media's other sites this week? - Jan 26th

Posted by Harry Slater on January 26th, 2018

Skyfront Screenshot

Another week has flown by here at Steel Media towers. It's been busy for everyone. Some of the editorial team have been at our regular show in London, Pocket Gamer Connects. Some of us haven't. We've all had our noses pushed right into the grindstone though.

So here's a small slice of the amazing content that you might have missed out on across the SM empire. If you see some stuff you like, make sure you keep checking back on all of our sites. We're pretty damn good at what we do, and no mistake.

About apps: These Are the Things That I Want You to Know

Posted by Amy Solomon on March 23rd, 2015

I would like to announce that, due to the recent changes that were mentioned last week, as of April 1 I will no longer be the editor and writer for the parents' and children's section of 148Apps. Being a mother of a seven year old boy who is interested in building and S.T.E.M. related apps, I will still be purchasing applications for our personal use. Having reviewed children’s educational apps for the last four and a half years has given me some experience in gauging whether an app will be a hit with my family, so please allow me to share these insights.

The Wheel in the Sky Keeps on Turnin' - Some Obvious and Some Less Obvious Changes at 148Apps

Posted by Rob Rich on March 20th, 2015

As you might have noticed, 148Apps is looking a little different today. Well that's because we've been kicking the idea of a redesign around for quite some time now, and it was finally time to follow through with it. You also might notice that the new look is a bit more in-line with AppSpy and Pocket Gamer. Which makes sense because we've all been a part of the same network for a while.

Another less immediately obvious but far bigger change is that 148Apps itself is restructuring. Starting in April, we'll begin changing a few things up editorially with new types of reviews, more guides, more opinions for us all to argue about, and all sorts of other exciting stuff. But don't worry, our mission will still be the same as it always was: to be the best darn iOS review site around.

Unfortunately this restructuring also means we'll have to bid farewell some of the amazing folks we've had writing for us over the years. Those who wish to will be saying their goodbyes throughout the week (you know who you are), and we'd greatly appreciate it if you took a moment to see what they have to say and give them a proper sendoff.

It's difficult to handle a whole lot of change all at once, and it's even more difficult when it involves losing those we've worked alongside for so long, but sometimes all we can do is press on. To the people who will be leaving: it was a privelidge working with you and you're far too talented to have to worry about what happens next for very long - if at all.

Image Source: galleryhip

148Apps is Looking for News and Review Writers - Grab Your Hat, Find a Ring, and Throw

Posted by Rob Rich on April 23rd, 2014

Looks like it's that time again. We've finished draining the nutritious goo from our victi-I mean we're looking for more writers!

So if you love you some iPods, iPads, and iPhones, and have access to up-to-date iOS hardware (and have a knack for this whole “writing” thing), give us a shout. We’re currently looking for reviewers and news writers to bring aboard.

Potential reviewers should be able to cut a swath through apps and games (that’s right, apps and games; you have to be up for both) without breaking a sweat, be able to critically analyze their subjects, and express themselves well and with authority. They should also be willing and able to edit their own posts and upload their own screen shots so that their work is ready for publishing as soon as they hand it in. But most of all we’re looking for someone who can manage to pull all of that off and keep things fun and interesting.

Potential newsies need to be able to turn out articles quickly and with regularity. They should have a knack for spotting the important bits in each story, getting the information out accurately, linking to sources, and be able to do it all without reading like an official press release. News writer hopefuls should also note that this position requires adherence to a set schedule, and during this time they’ll be collaborating with us directly on coverage of the day’s events. Otherwise how could we stay on top of everything?

If you think you’ve got what it takes for either of these positions, here’s our list of Musts:

- have an iPhone 5, iPad (2, mini, or later) or iPod touch (5th gen or later) and think it’s the best thing since sliced bread
- have a general knowledge of and interest in the iOS community
- can write at a higher than average level, like what you might see in a magazine or newspaper
- have some familiarity with WordPress or similar CMS platform
- reviewers: have the time to write and post at least three reviews a week
- newsies: churn out 4 to 5 news items per day and adhere to a weekly early morning schedule starting around 6am or 7am Pacific, Mon. through Fri.
- must be 18 years of age or older

What do you get? Writing for 148Apps gets you exposure. With millions of eyes reading your posts, that’s a lot of exposure to be had. You also get some money, per post, at a competitive rate. That’s not bad, right? We do ask that you only apply if you can keep up a regular posting frequency. While this isn’t a full time job, it’s not a once-in-a-while hobby, either. Our best writers are the ones that can keep the same quality output coming week after week.

If you think this is something you might be interested it, take a quick read of our review style and send us three of your best clips. These are the best portfolio works of review writing you’ve done. The closer to an app review your clips are, the better chance we’ll have of understanding your style. Don’t have any written samples? Write one up! Pick your favorite app or two and write up a 300 – 500 word review, with proper spelling and grammar, and email it to helpwanted {at} 148apps {dot} com. We look forward to hearing from you, and we’ll get back to you soon.

Image Credit: TechnaBob

Want to Join the 148Apps Team? We're Looking for Passionate Writers for News and Reviews

Posted by Rob Rich on February 7th, 2014

Hey there folks. 148Apps is currently in the market - the market for talented writers like you!

If you're crazy about iPads, cuckoo for iPhones, constantly on an iPod, or can't otherwise get enough of that iOS (and have a knack for this whole "writing" thing), then give us a shout. We're currently looking for two more folks to bring aboard: one for reviews, and the other for news items.

Potential reviewers should be able to cut a swath through apps and games (that's right, apps and games; you have to be up for both) without breaking a sweat, be able to critically analyze their subjects, and express themselves well and with authority. They should also be willing and able to edit their own posts and upload their own screen shots so that their work is ready for publishing as soon as they hand it in. But most of all we're looking for someone who can manage to pull all of that off and keep things fun and interesting.

Potential newsies need to be able to turn out articles quickly and with regularity. They should have a knack for spotting the important bits in each story, getting the information out accurately, linking to sources, and be able to do it all without reading like an official press release. News writer hopefuls should also note that this position requires adherence to a set schedule, and during this time they'll be collaborating with us directly on coverage of the day's events. Otherwise how could we stay on top of everything?

If you think you've got what it takes for either of these positions, here's our list of Musts:

- have an iPhone 5, iPad (2, mini, or later) or iPod touch (5th gen or later) and think it’s the best thing since sliced bread
- have a general knowledge of and interest in the iOS community
- can write at a higher than average level, like what you might see in a magazine or newspaper
- have some familiarity with WordPress or similar CMS platform
- reviewers: have the time to write and post at least three reviews a week
- newsies: adhere to a weekly early morning schedule starting around 6am or 7am Pacific, Mon. - Fri.
- must be 18 years of age or older

What do you get? Writing for 148Apps gets you exposure. With millions of eyes reading your posts, that’s a lot of exposure to be had. You also get some money, per post, at a competitive rate. That’s not bad, right? We do ask that you only apply if you can keep up a regular posting frequency. While this isn’t a full time job, it’s not a once-in-a-while hobby, either. Our best writers are the ones that can keep the same quality output coming week after week.

If you think this is something you might be interested it, take a quick read of our review style and send us three of your best clips. These are the best portfolio work of review writing you’ve done. The closer to an app review your clips are, the better chance we’ll have of understanding your style. Don’t have any written samples? Write one up! Pick your favorite app or two and write up a 300 – 500 word review, with proper spelling and grammar, and email it to helpwanted {at} 148apps {dot} com. We look forward to hearing from you, and we’ll get back to you soon.

Image Credit: TechnaBob

148Apps Wants You -- To Write With Us - We are looking for passionate tech writers to join our team.

Posted by Jeff Scott on August 21st, 2013

Hello! We’re looking for new writers with a strong passion for iOS applications and games. Do you love downloading new apps to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch? Do you tell all your friends and relatives about the latest gem you've found in the App Store? You're the kind of person we're looking for.

The ideal app reviewer will devour apps and games, and will be able to write about them quickly and authoritatively. You should have a good critical eye and the ability to express yourself well. You should be able to edit your own posts and deliver them ready to publish. Most importantly? As a good app reviewer, you should be able to do all this while keeping the writing fun and interesting, using the common voice of the site.

All review writers should be able to jump back and forth amongst apps and games, but extra points if you have a passion for non-gaming apps and a nose for finding the best ones across the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.

Think you have the chops? Check out our requirements here:

- have an iPhone 5, iPad (2, mini, or later) or iPod touch (5th gen or later) and think it’s the best thing since sliced bread
- have a general knowledge of and interest in the iOS community
- can write at a higher than average level, like what you might see in a magazine or newspaper
- have some familiarity with WordPress or similar CMS platform
- have the time to write and post at least three reviews a week
- must be 18 years of age or older

What do you get? Writing for 148Apps gets you exposure. With millions of eyes reading your posts, that's a lot of exposure to be had. You also get some money, per post, at a competitive rate. That's not bad, right? We do ask that you only apply if you can keep up a regular posting frequency. While this isn’t a full time job, it’s not a once-in-a-while hobby, either. Our best writers are the ones that can keep the same quality output coming week after week.

If you think this is something you might be interested it, take a quick read of our review style and send us three of your best clips. These are the best portfolio work of review writing you've done. The closer to an app review your clips are, the better chance we'll have of understanding your style. Don't have any written samples? Write one up! Pick your favorite app or two and write up a 300 - 500 word review, with proper spelling and grammar, and email it to helpwanted {at} 148apps {dot} com. We look forward to hearing from you, and we'll get back to you soon.

Image: TechnaBob