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App Description
Physics Games challenge you to max out your score – not just in the game but also when you take your next High School Physics test. Use your scientific savvy to chart a strategic course across the question grid. Each correct answer brings you a step closer to success. After completing a path, keep improving your best score until you’ve mastered all the content and earn bragging rights when you post your score on Apple’s Game Center leaderboard!
The full version of this game contains over 650 Physics questions covering a full year of High School Physics. Topics include:
Introduction to Physics, Motion & Vectors
Circular Motion & Gravitation
Fluids, Heat & Thermodynamics
Forces, Work, Energy & Momentum
Waves & Sound
Electric Forces & Electrical Energy
Magnetism & EM Induction
Atomic & Subatomic Physics
Each topic contains multiple sub-topics.
Physics Games is aligned to the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Physics textbook by Dr. Raymond Serway and Dr. Jerry Faughn. Try your hand at the first 3 topics for free!
App Changes
- June 04, 2014 Initial release