Fire Fu guide - How to improve your score

Posted by Jennifer Allen on February 26th, 2016
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Fire Fu is a simple but fun game that basically requires you to burn everything with a simple swipe of your finger.

Well, it’s not quite as simple as that but don't fret as we at 148Apps thought we’d help you out with some tips and tricks to help get you started.

Don’t always hold your ground

Well, when we say ground, we mean finger. If you hold your finger down for too long you'll run out of firepower, so go for regular long taps instead.

Don’t fall into the trap of holding for too long as it's counter-intuitive and wastes your chances of picking off other enemies.

Aim carefully

Certain items will cause you to lose points and considering the fact that Fire Fu is a high score chaser, you don't want that. So don't tap those bombs, people!


Focus on groups of enemies rather than individual ones. It’s a good way to build up combos, plus you’re taking out more bad guys at once, which is always good, right?

Try not to be confused or unsettled by too many enemies on screen. Take a brief breather and work on using fire to your advantage.

Use the potions

Sometimes, you’ll come across special potions which have useful abilities like wiping out a whole screen full of enemies.

Save these for a special occasion, like when the screen is full of flying monsters just waiting to be annihilated.

Take advantage of bonus time

When the timer ends, there’s still room for you to chase after a thief with your finger. Hit them, and you unleash a bunch of Fkombay enemies which can mean big points for you if you snag them!

How do you use the fire most effectively? Let us know in the comments!

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