What's New
- iOS8 Optimization
- Minor Updates
App Description
Featuring music and film clips from the movie, the “Disney Karaoke: Frozen” app allows you to sing along with your favorite Frozen songs, record your voice with the original instrumental tracks, create a gallery of your performances, and share your recordings with others!
•9 songs from the original Frozen soundtrack
•Music videos taken directly from the movie
•Follow the lyrics with a Frozen snowflake
•Listen to the vocal performances, or mute the voices to sing by yourself
•Record your voice with the original music
•Save your recordings to an in-app video gallery
•Export your recordings to your iTunes library
Frozen Heart
Do You Want to Build a Snowman?
For the First Time in Forever
Love Is an Open Door
Let It Go
Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People
In Summer
For the First Time in Forever (Reprise)
Fixer Upper
If you’re experiencing difficulties with audio, please check the audio settings with your device to see if your device is muted. For assistance, please visit our customer care FAQ page here: http://help.disney.com/articles/en_US/FAQ/Disney-Publishing-Worldwide-Apps-General-Support.
For additional information about our practices in the United States and Latin America regarding children’s personal information, please read our Children’s Privacy Policy at https://disneyprivacycenter.com/kids-privacy-policy/english/.
App Changes
- May 30, 2014 Initial release
- May 30, 2014 Price increase: $5.49 -> $7.99
- July 17, 2014 New version 1.4
- July 30, 2014 New version 1.5
- August 15, 2014 New version 1.6
- September 06, 2014 New version 1.6.1
- October 13, 2014 New version 1.7
- November 28, 2015 Price decrease: $7.99 -> $3.99
- December 06, 2015 Price increase: $3.99 -> $7.99
- December 31, 2015 Price decrease: $7.99 -> $3.99
- January 10, 2016 Price increase: $3.99 -> $7.99
- March 20, 2016 Price decrease: $7.99 -> $6.99