App Description
CamChat is a totally new way to share all your life moments. CamChat allows you to Snap a photo or video and send it to a friend or a group of friends. They recieve it, view it, laigh and then the snap vanishes from your device. 1) snap 2) Select 3) Send.
No unwanted messages? With CamChat you can only send and recieve messages from approved friends so there are no unwanted messages ever!
App Changes
- January 30, 2014 Initial release
- March 23, 2014 Price increase: FREE! -> $0.99
- May 15, 2014 Price decrease: $0.99 -> FREE!
- May 17, 2014 Price increase: FREE! -> $0.99
- November 19, 2014 Price increase: $0.99 -> $1.99
- December 29, 2014 Price decrease: $1.99 -> FREE!
- January 01, 2015 Price increase: FREE! -> $0.99
- January 27, 2015 Price decrease: $0.99 -> FREE!
- January 29, 2015 Price increase: FREE! -> $0.99
- November 08, 2015 Price decrease: $0.99 -> FREE!
- November 07, 2016 Price increase: FREE! -> $0.99