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App Description
Do you love to draw on scrap paper? Do you want to frame your master piece? Scrap Paper app is the right app for you. Download it now while it's on special for only $0.99
Available for your iPhone/iPad/iPod.
Simply chose from multiple styles of paper. This is a one of a kind app that will allow you to take fast notes on your device.
Don't forget to share this app with your firends or family.
App Changes
- June 10, 2014 Initial release
- November 06, 2014 Price decrease: $0.99 -> FREE!
- January 01, 2015 Price increase: FREE! -> $0.99
- January 27, 2015 Price decrease: $0.99 -> FREE!
- January 29, 2015 Price increase: FREE! -> $0.99
- July 13, 2015 Price decrease: $0.99 -> FREE!
- October 11, 2015 Price increase: FREE! -> $0.99
- November 08, 2015 Price decrease: $0.99 -> FREE!
- November 14, 2016 Price increase: FREE! -> $0.99