App Description
Need someone to remind you to pickup your kid from school? Or how about a reminder to go with your friends to the movies?
Well, this app will do that for you. You can leave a reminder note right on you iPhone.
within seconds you can leave a reminder note to your self on your iPhone.
App Changes
- June 15, 2014 Initial release
- November 19, 2014 Price increase: $0.99 -> $1.99
- December 29, 2014 Price decrease: $1.99 -> FREE!
- January 01, 2015 Price increase: FREE! -> $0.99
- January 27, 2015 Price decrease: $0.99 -> FREE!
- January 29, 2015 Price increase: FREE! -> $0.99
- July 14, 2015 Price decrease: $0.99 -> FREE!
- October 11, 2015 Price increase: FREE! -> $0.99
- November 08, 2015 Price decrease: $0.99 -> FREE!
- November 14, 2016 Price increase: FREE! -> $0.99