App Description
Ugly Monsters is a simple strategy game. Behind each arrow sits a green monster who doesn't mind saying hello, as long as you only ask him to do so once. The arrows point to which monster will turn around. If you touch an arrow that points to a monster that has already turned around, the monster (being the nervous little nerd he is) will turn yellow with fear. Touch an arrow that points to a yellow Square and you will be killed by an angry monster.
Each game starts with five "shakes" which can be used to change the direction of the remaining arrows. Every 5 levels you pass will earn an additional shake. You can also undo your last move as long as you have shakes available.
App Changes
- June 17, 2014 Initial release
- October 04, 2014 Price decrease: $0.99 -> FREE!
- October 07, 2014 Price increase: FREE! -> $0.99
- December 30, 2014 Price decrease: $0.99 -> FREE!
- January 01, 2015 Price increase: FREE! -> $0.99
- November 09, 2015 Price decrease: $0.99 -> FREE!
- November 06, 2016 Price increase: FREE! -> $0.99