For the upcoming Community Day, Starly is all set to be the star. In an official blog post, Niantic has shared details about the July community day on 17th, which will run from 11 AM to 2 PM. The event will feature Starly, the Starling Pokemon.

The main highlights of the community day event include:

  • Feature attack

Trainers can unlock Starly’s Fast Attack Gust, by evolving it to a Staraptor, during or five hours after the event. It has 16 damage in trainer battles and 25 damage in Gym and Raid battles.

  • Community day Bonus rewards

Several community day bonuses await players, from 11 AM to 2 PM (local time). These include 3x catch XP, 2x candy for catching Pokemon, and a 2x chance of receiving Starly Candy XL on catching Starly.

Other bonus rewards include:

-50% less stardust for trades made during the event and five hours afterward.
-Trainers can make one special trade for a maximum of three for the day.
-Three-hour duration for incense activated during the event.
-Three hours duration for Lure Modules activated during the event.
-Taking a few snapshots during the community day awaits a surprise for players.

  • Community Day–exclusive Special Research story

You can access the Starly Community Day exclusive Special Research story for $1.00 or other equivalent currency value.

  • Staravia to appear in four-star raid battles.

After defeating Staravia in a four-star battle raid, players will find more Starly within a 300-meter radius around the gym for 30 minutes.

  • Exclusive stickers

Chance to win exclusive stickers when spinning Pokestops and opening gifts. Players can also buy these from the in-game shop.

  • Bonus Raids

Bonus battle raids from 2 PM to 7 PM (local time).

  • Group rewards

When a group of trainers catches enough pokemon with the help of a single Lure Model, the 3X HP bonus will increase to a 4X HP bonus for thirty minutes.

The Starly Community Day is all set to go live on July 17th.

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Tagged With: Pokemon GO
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