It's Friday. It's the end of the week. You've probably got some cash to spare, and you're wondering what you should spend it on? Maybe you're eyeing up the App Store, trying to figure out what's the best deal. Well, you've come to the right place, because this is our weekly roundup of the best games that are currently on sale for iPhone and iPad.

As ever we've included download and review links, so you can find out more about the games and get to the App Store quickly. And if you think we've missed anything, make sure you add your own suggestions in the comments at the bottom of the article. After all, a deal's great, but it's better if everyone can get in on it.

King Oddball - download for iOS (now 99c)

One of the weirdest games on the App Store. You're playing a giant floating king, who's just a head, and has a massive tongue. You need to grab things with that tongue, and then smash them up. This is a big silly game of destruction, and it's actually an incredible amount of fun.

Click here to read our King Oddball review

Ovivo - download for iOS (now 99c)

This platformer isn't that old, but if you didn't pick it up when it first came out, you definitely should now. It's got a gorgeous black and white art style, and some really interesting ideas that make it stand out from the crowd. Plus you're getting a good few hours of fun for less than a buck, which is pretty sweet.

Steamworld Heist - download for iOS (now $4.99)

One of the best strategy games on the App Store. It's a side-on battler that sees you trying to conduct a series of robberies. It's a brilliantly entertaining game of planning, aiming, and shooting robot's hats off. This version is as good as any out there, so if you've not played this one before, you should definitely grab it.

Click here to read our Steamworld Heist review

Final Fantasy VII - download for iOS (now $10.99)

It might not be the best port of the game, but this is still a stone cold classic of the JRPG genre. Lead a ragtag bunch of heroes through a massive story about the end of the world, genetic manipulation, and a whole bunch more. There's a reason this is one of the most famous games in the world, and it still shines through on mobile.

Click here to read our Final Fantasy VII review

Neon Chrome - download for iOS (now $1.99)

A harsh and unforgiving top-down shooter with a slick cyberpunk style. Work your way through a tower, blasting everything that moves. It's a pretty harsh experience, but you learn from your mistakes, and every time you step out into the grim and gritty world, you're going to be a little bit better.

Click here to read our Neon Chrome review

Lumino City - download for iOS (now $1.99)

Not only is this one of the best looking adventure games in the world, it's also one of the most entertaining. It's made out of cardboard, it's breathtakingly lovely, and there's a brilliant story that weaves its way through every inch of the experience. Honestly, just pick it up now if you haven't already.

Click here to read our Lumino City review

Baldur's Gate - download for iOS (now $2.99)

Another classic given a new lease of life on the App Store. This one's a western RPG that's sort of the foundation of the genre. It's based on D&D lore and rules, and while it might be a bit fiddly on a smaller screen, on the iPad it actually works really rather well.

Click here to read our Baldur's Gate review

Posted in: News, Lists
Tagged With: Iphone, IPad, best games on sale
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