App Description

In 2018, the mobile game masterpiece "Fantasy Westward Journey" was popular on the line.
"Fantasy Westward Journey" is a popular fantasy travel game based on the western background of ultra-modern feeling. "Fantasy Westward Journey" in a variety of heroes and moving beauty crush on the west stage, the player can choose "Fantasy Westward Journey" in the West tour heroes for a tour of the West tour. This turn-based game is centered on the cultivation of heroes. At the same time, the "Fantasy Westward Journey" collection of rounds has created infinite possibilities for the round combination of cultivation and matchmaking. "Fantasy Westward Journey" has in-depth turn gameplay and fun of Journey Westward. Let you put it down. Different styles of "Fantasy Westward Journey" scene to create a colorful world of the West. "Fantasy Westward Journey" presents you with the most classic round hand tour and the most fantastic perfect experience.
[Classic Round, Gang Wars]
Ordinary copy, elite copy, team copy, daily copy, the four major copies allow you to play in the West.

[God will love, pets develop]
Collecting classic characters from the Westward Journey movie, upgrading, breaking through, practicing, one-click enhancement, and one-click equipment allow you to experience turn-based RPG to the highest level in Fantasy Westward Journey.

[Classic story, big story]
Journey to the West, such as the Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva classic character all appear, restore the classic story of the Westward Journey. The turn-based game that will stop you from playing.
[cool battle, brilliant]
Keep the turn-based system's tactics and ease of use, and at the same time increase the back-to-cooperation training system and ensure the fluency of the battle.

[Music score, auditory feast]
Professional team, professional dubbing, Fantasy Westward Journey Reproduces Westward Journey movie classic soundtrack!

[Strong Heroes, Sweeping West]
Fantasy Westward Journey's dazzling hero system will fully enhance your round of combat effectiveness! Help you dominate the Three Realms.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

幻想西游-西游回合制梦幻手游 screenshot 1 幻想西游-西游回合制梦幻手游 screenshot 2 幻想西游-西游回合制梦幻手游 screenshot 3 幻想西游-西游回合制梦幻手游 screenshot 4 幻想西游-西游回合制梦幻手游 screenshot 5

iPad Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

幻想西游-西游回合制梦幻手游 screenshot 6 幻想西游-西游回合制梦幻手游 screenshot 7 幻想西游-西游回合制梦幻手游 screenshot 8 幻想西游-西游回合制梦幻手游 screenshot 9 幻想西游-西游回合制梦幻手游 screenshot 10

App Changes

  • April 30, 2018 Initial release

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