App Description

Players QQ exchange group: 413224716, welcome to join us to explore the game and receive benefits.
Players QQ exchange group: 413224716, welcome to join us to explore the game and receive benefits.
"Digimon" is engraved Tencent made national rookie mutual entertainment mobile phone card game, perfectly reproduce the "digital treasure" animation story. Games not only cover the digital beast collection, equipment develop, the classic story, there are challenges to the players and other classic play. Unique digital beast evolution system, so that players to revisit the evolutionary dream of childhood! The game has hundreds of Digimon Digimon to choose from, different collocation different lineup, addictive!
"Digimon engraved" is a set of pet evolution strategies to develop other types of play the new card game.
Each Little Thing
Digital beast theme mobile online games
A digital beast theme mobile card games
A strategy to develop a number of types of games, such as the new card game

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

数码暴龙复刻-免费送顶级神奇宠物,成就精灵梦,经典动漫RPG卡牌手游 screenshot 1 数码暴龙复刻-免费送顶级神奇宠物,成就精灵梦,经典动漫RPG卡牌手游 screenshot 2 数码暴龙复刻-免费送顶级神奇宠物,成就精灵梦,经典动漫RPG卡牌手游 screenshot 3 数码暴龙复刻-免费送顶级神奇宠物,成就精灵梦,经典动漫RPG卡牌手游 screenshot 4 数码暴龙复刻-免费送顶级神奇宠物,成就精灵梦,经典动漫RPG卡牌手游 screenshot 5

iPad Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

数码暴龙复刻-免费送顶级神奇宠物,成就精灵梦,经典动漫RPG卡牌手游 screenshot 6 数码暴龙复刻-免费送顶级神奇宠物,成就精灵梦,经典动漫RPG卡牌手游 screenshot 7 数码暴龙复刻-免费送顶级神奇宠物,成就精灵梦,经典动漫RPG卡牌手游 screenshot 8 数码暴龙复刻-免费送顶级神奇宠物,成就精灵梦,经典动漫RPG卡牌手游 screenshot 9 数码暴龙复刻-免费送顶级神奇宠物,成就精灵梦,经典动漫RPG卡牌手游 screenshot 10

App Changes

  • December 16, 2016 Initial release

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