Captain America: The Winter Soldier - The Official Game Goes Free

Posted by Jennifer Allen on June 26th, 2014
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Our rating: starstarhalfstarblankstarblankstar :: OUT IN THE COLD :: Read Review »

Impressively titled, Captain America: The Winter Soldier - The Official Game, is currently on sale and will cost you a grand total of absolutely nothing.

We weren't entirely impressed by it upon first release in April, mostly because it's a little repetitive. Having said that, for free, what have you got to lose? If you're like me and a sucker for blockbuster movie tie-ins, you'll probably find something to enjoy here.

We're not entirely sure why it's on sale or for how long, so grab it quickly while you're thinking about it!

Captain America: The Winter Soldier - The Official Game is available from the App Store now.