Foodish Review
Foodish already provided a great service for those wanting to track what they eat on a day to day basis, while not being patronized. Now, it's added a few more useful features. There's a mapping feature that works well, adding location details to where something was eaten. A notes feature adds to the selection, enabling users to write more on how things are going and further track their eating habits. Amongst all this, and along with some performance based improvements, Foodish is still simple to use, and this seems like the ideal time to give it a shot, for those who haven't already.
Price: $1.99
Version Reviewed: 1.1
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 4
iPhone Integration Overall Rating:
User Interface Overall Rating:
Re-use Value Overall Rating:
[rating: overall]
While there are countless apps that allow their users to count calories and keep track of all the statistics behind food, Foodish takes an entirely different path. It's not patronizing in any way, instead accepting that, for the most part, people know what's good and bad for them.
Once items have been collated on the main page, Foodish provides the user with a rough guide of how they're doing so far. These are simple sentences such as 'You could do worse' or positive lines about how well the person is doing. It makes for easy consultation rather than figuring out statistics.
Anything from a meal to a drink to a snack can be added and there's Wikipedia integration meaning that the app can open up a relevant Wikipedia entry on an item for further information. Users can also tweet or post to Facebook information on what they've been eating if they so wish.
Foodish is a very simple app for keeping track of food habits but it works well. It's attractive to look at but ensures that the user can take in exactly what they've eaten, simply by looking at the photos. For the health conscious user, this is a really original idea for keeping track of things.