Atlas by Collins Review
Price: $9.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0.1
Device Reviewed On: iPad 2
iOS Integration Rating:

User Interface Rating:

Re-use Value Rating:

Overall Rating:

This app really shows the potential that iOS devices truly have. A globe is a truly static thing, despite the ever-changing nature of our world. A physical globe is a relic of the time of its manufacture. The globe of Atlas by Collins may not be tactile, but its interactivity, to show the world is arranged not just physically, through its information on physical attributes like oceans, but also politically. Each country has information available on its current status and recent history, along with how their chief economic properties. Information is also available on the various political and economic alliances the countries are in. The value is in someone being able to see something they want to investigate and learn more about it when they see it.
This is great for kids as an interactive resource to learn about the planet we live on and the people that inhabit it. I bet that even adults will find something they didn’t know while playing with this app – it’s worth tapping all the buttons and playing with all its features, as things like the different globe types are not immediately apparent until the app is explored in greater detail.