What's New
Was ist neu?
• Neugestaltung chayns®ID: Oberhalb des Titelbildes wird nun der Name und die 4 chayns®ID Bereiche angezeigt.
• Navigationsleiste: Die Leiste wird nun unterhalb des Titelbildes angezeigt.
• Pushanzeige: Innerhalb der App werden nun angezeigte Pushnachrichten im Apple Stil angezeigt.
• Inhalte werden neu geladen, falls ein selektierter Menüpunkt erneut ausgewählt wird.
Behobene Fehler
• Nach einem iCloud Backup wurden einige Bilder nicht angezeigt.
App Description
naviga - world organisation for modelshipbuilding and modelshipsport
The object of NAVIGA is the support and dissemination of shipmodelsport and to build up friendly connections with all people practising this sport excluding racial, confessional and political discrimination.
NAVIGA organises every two years World Championships in every section alternatively with eventually Continental Championships, if there is any interest.
NAVIGA publihes rules for all the classes in the sections to be used in contests. Those publications might be bought by everybody. Normally, member organisation get 1 example of new rules free of costs, if they were not published in the NAVIGA lnfo. Those rules are written in one of the official languages of NAVIGA.
Every member organisation gets a NAVIGA info free of costs all three months to inform all members about important decisions, changes in rules or results of championships.
Every two years a general assembly takes place with a vote of the presidium every four years. The section leaders are elected form the members of the section on a section meeting during the World Championships of the relevant section.
App Changes
- August 04, 2015 Initial release
- December 13, 2015 New version 4.427
- February 20, 2016 New version 4.497
- July 08, 2016 New version 5.190
- July 11, 2016 New version 5.250
- November 06, 2016 New version 5.370