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App Description
This is the official Skindiver® App. She will inform the people about the product Skindiver® and the possibilities about to place it on the body. The people can send questions and get answers about the product. Also they get information, where they can get it near their places.
App Changes
- June 18, 2014 Initial release
- September 01, 2014 New version 4.024
- June 22, 2015 New version 4.292
- December 13, 2015 New version 4.427
- February 16, 2016 New version 4.496
- July 12, 2016 New version 5.190
- August 03, 2016 New version 5.250
- November 09, 2016 New version 5.295
- December 21, 2016 New version 5.441