What's New

Added a high score table. Tap the 'h', to turn the high score mode on (blue). When in the end of a round, and while having a new high score ('h' is red), tap the score box to post. Please see the above web site for details.

(Traditional Chinese/繁體中文) 新增一個高分排名表。點觸 'h',成最高分模式 (藍色)。當一個回合終了 , 而有新的高分時('h' 呈現紅色), 點觸評分格, 可完成張貼。請參閱上述網站查詢詳情。

App Description

Retro Pinball of Formosa is an iPhone or iPod Touch platform game with entertainment in mind, which trying to simulate a metal pinball running on a sloping board with holes in Taiwan, similar to Pachinko popular in Japan or Pinball in US. Usually one would come across it at a cart selling pan-fried or grilled sausages in low-heat using Taiwan Acasia charcoal as fuel and smoking aroma, accompanying with puppet shows or Taiwanese operas in thank-god repertoire in the nostalgic 1960s or at carefree, night markets nowadays in Taiwan.

(Traditional Chinese/繁體中文)
台式古早味打香腸彈珠枱 是 iPhone 或 iPod Touch 平台上的遊戲與娛樂。它試圖模擬鋼珠小跑在, 略有些傾斜的, 有孔的, 珠枱上, 類似流行在日本的柏青哥, 或是歐美的彈珠枱。它通常被擺在一個小攤車上, 再在其旁襯以相思炭火慢煎或慢烤的香腸, 在幾縷香煙鑊氣嬝嬈中, 在懷舊的1960年代裡, 伴以酬神用的布袋戲或歌仔戲, 或在現今悠閒的台灣夜市中出現。

-Keep the simple mechanic no electricity as primitive as possible.

-Using Cocos2d + Chipmunk Dynamics for 2D graphics and physics for speed and pepper with a tint of Bullet Physics Engine for 3D physics realism.

-Furnishing with music and sound effect, and animation of with actions - zoom effect, ripple effect, etc.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Retro Pinball of Formosa screenshot 1

App Changes

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