App Description

Lightly Buzzed is always buzzing with pop culture news and other cool stuff, including crazy videos and funny images. Always good for a laugh, or twelve, Lightly Buzzed is now available on the go with its iPhone app. Make sure to download it today -- just don't use it while driving. Wouldn't want to have to tell the officer you were just "Buzzed."

Don't get left behind on the web, get the Lightly Buzzed app and be ahead of the rest. You won't find these features in your mobile browser:
- Instant alerts of news.
- Like it on Facebook. It's what everybody is doing.
- Don't just read, participate. Be part of the action by sending in your photos, videos, and stories.
- Email your friends the Lightly Buzzed news you find interesting.
- Tweet up a storm about your favorite Lightly Buzzed posts.
- Hit the Hot Topics for finding all the hot news.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Lightly Buzzed screenshot 1 Lightly Buzzed screenshot 2

iPad Screenshots

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Lightly Buzzed screenshot 3

App Changes