What's New

Pick an actor and get all movies sort by years, so you can find their latest movies you haven't seen yet. Tap on actors head and scroll through list of their movies. You can now search continuously until you find the right movie that fits your taste.

Add movies to your favorites. Find a movie that you like or you may want to watch and add it into your favorites. Tap the star button on the right top corner. Don't waste your time on remembering movies, add them to your list and continue digging through more movies.

Search anything you like to find similar movies. Now you can search actors and movies that you've seen before and look for some similar movies. This feature brings you all new movies that may fit your taste and you may like to watch. Just tap on chosen movie and scroll through similar movies.

App Description

Not sure what to watch ? Movio helps you find the best movies in no time and it's free!

Choose a genre and year to get an extensive list of suggested movies. Scroll through to find something you like. With Movio, you can read a detailed description about the movie, watch a trailer, and view the cast and crew. All of this is possible, thanks to Movio.

Pick an actor and get all movies sort by years, so you can find their latest movies you haven't seen yet. Tap on actors head and scroll through list of their movies. You can now search continuously until you find the right movie that fits your taste.

Add movies to your favorites. Find a movie that you like or you may want to watch and add it into your favorites. Tap the star button on the right top corner. Don't waste your time on remembering movies, add them to your list and continue digging through more movies.

Search anything you like to find similar movies. Now you can search actors and movies that you've seen before and look for some similar movies. This feature brings you all new movies that may fit your taste and you may like to watch. Just tap on chosen movie and scroll through similar movies.

Everything in the database is updated on daily bases, thanks to The Movie Database (TMDb).

* The Apple watch extension is coming soon *

NOTE: The app can NOT be used to watch movies.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Movio - Find new movies to watch screenshot 1 Movio - Find new movies to watch screenshot 2 Movio - Find new movies to watch screenshot 3

App Changes

  • August 27, 2015 Initial release
  • September 22, 2015 New version 1.1.0
  • October 24, 2015 New version 2.0

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