DiceTris+ Review
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DiceTris+ Review

Our Review by Jennifer Allen on March 11th, 2014
Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: SIMPLE STRATEGIES
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Keeping it simple, DiceTris+ is an entertaining strategy game but one that lacks that addictive factor.

Developer: Synergy-IT
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.1
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar
Gameplay Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar
Playtime Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Replay Value Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

DiceTris+ is an interesting strategy game, all about filling the board with colors. While it has a reasonably competent AI mode, its strengths are in playing against other players via the pass to play mode.

The concept is simple enough: a grid of white blocks starts the proceedings, with players needing to fill the board with their colored tiles. Once the board is completely filled, the player with the most placed tiles wins. Strategy comes via the fact that blocking off white tiles immediately turns them to the player's colors, so placing such blocks appropriately is imperative to success. Also, how many tiles can be placed at any one time is affected by a random dice roll. Different shapes open up too, affecting what can be done with them. Variety further opens up with the choice of conquer or tactical modes, although the core idea is much the same.

It's a reasonably entertaining concept but it can seem a little dry when played against the AI, especially without any achievements or sense of progression to the game. Up to 4 players can participate but it's really much more fun when up against other real players. Providing local multiplayer means it's simple enough to hand around the iOS device and complete a game in a relatively short space of time. It's always possible to have a mixture of AI and human players, too.

DiceTris+ is a free title unhindered by in-app purchases, so for those who regularly need a title to play amongst friends it's worth taking a chance on. It reminds me of pen and paper games of old that I'd play while waiting around before the advent of smartphones. It's something to pass the time, but perhaps not spend too much time dwelling upon.

iPhone Screenshots

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iPad Screenshots

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