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New App: UStream BFF Released; Broadcast Live Video to Your Facebook Stream

Posted by Jeff Scott on August 22nd, 2012
iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad

We told you last week about UStream's new Broadcast for Friends (BFF) app and it has now been released. It's a great idea, broadcast live video right to your Facebook news feed. Now, let's see how it works.

Ustream Finally Starts Streaming Video From Your iPhone

Posted by Jeff Scott on December 10th, 2009

Ustream has wanted to stream from the iPhone for a long while now. They started out with a jailbroken iPhone version. But that didn't reach that many people. They also released a viewing application for the iPhone. A good start. Next came the iPhone 3GS app that allowed you to record videos with your iPhone 3GS then upload them to Ustream. Getting closer.

Then, last week, Apple decided to let streaming video application loose on the App Store. And now we have the Ustream Live Broadcaster.

The app allows you to stream video to the Ustream site and to the Ustream viewing application at a 320x240 resolution. Here's the cool part -- it works on Wifi or 3G on both the iPhone 3G and 3GS. You can also record the videos locally and upload them later if you choose.

And as you would expect these days there are options to share the videos on Facebook and Twitter. And you can also include your location information with the videos.

I imagine we will see the sending and the viewing applications combined at some point in the future. But for now, you need both.

Overall a pretty good experience for sharing video to multiple people. Have you tried the Ustream broadcaster? How was it?
