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Tag: Action rpg »

Cartoon Wars Blade Review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Carter Dotson on September 27th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: WAR NEVER CHANGES
Cartoon Wars Blade is a hack 'n slash RPG featuring lots of stick figures getting sliced up, but is it just too repetitive to be long-lasting fun?
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Aralon: Sword and Shadow Is A Console-Quality iOS Game

Posted by Rob Rich on August 3rd, 2012
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Our rating: starstarstarstarstar :: CONSOLE WORTHY :: Read Review »

From the first moment video game consoles began to appear in homes across the world, there were people who longed to take the experience with them wherever they might go. And as rapidly as technology might improve, it’s still not easy to replicate the console experience on a handheld device. But it is possible, even on gadgets that weren’t created with video games as their primary function. With that in mind, we present an iOS title that many of us here at 148apps believe is worthy of being called a console-quality game.

*NOTE: "Console-quality" refers to the quality of the experience, not just the graphics. This is about the depth of gameplay, content, and in some cases how accurately it portrays the ideals of its console counterpart.*

The Backstory
An unlikely hero with a tragic past. A mystery to unravel. Revenge to be had. After some fiddling with avatar creation Aralon: Sword and Shadow begins with a bit of a foggy back-story about the main character’s father and indications of political corruption. Players work their way through a few tutorials masked as quests – thankfully no “kill the rats in the tavern cellar” tasks – then set out on their quest of discovery and redemption. And what a quest it turns out to be.

The Gameplay
Aralon: Sword and Shadow is the very thing many iOS owners have been clamoring for; an open-world fantasy RPG. Enemies, treasures, and hidden areas are strewn throughout the land just begging to be defeated, found, and explored respectively. There are plenty of skills to learn and master, many of which depend on a character’s class. Factions are available for joining. Potions can be crafted from plants and other items harvested throughout the environment. Quests of all sorts can be found and taken just about anywhere. There are even a number of side tasks such as fishing to keep players distracted. In essence; it creates one of the most expansive, content rich worlds ever seen in an iOS game.

How Does It Play?
Aralon: Sword and Shadow is a fantasy RPG set in a massive fully-explorable world, with day/night cycles, mounts, few boundaries, and is playable in first or third-person. It sounds quite a bit like an Elder Scrolls game, doesn’t it? Well it kinda is. Virtually every aspect of Aralon’s gameplay is reminiscent in some manner of Bethesda’s acclaimed series; from the traversal to the crafting. The land may not be quite as large or borderless as those found in Morrowind, Oblivion, or Skyrim, but the spirit of exploration is certainly comparable.

Touch controls and hardware constraints aside, Aralon: Sword and Shadow basically is an Elder Scrolls game for iOS devices. The world is huge and full of secrets, there are lots of items to acquire and enemies to vanquish, and most importantly it’s incredibly easy to spend hours doing non story-related tasks. And honestly, I can’t think of a better game to call a console-quality iOS game.

Epic Raiders Review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Rob Rich on July 30th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: WALK THE LINE
It may not be the first strategy/party-focused/line-dragging RPG, but it just might be the best.
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Knightly Adventure Wants to Make Social Gaming a Bit More Interactive

Posted by Rob Rich on July 23rd, 2012

Freemium social games are all well and good, but a number of them are decidedly lacking in certain places. Namely in action. That’s probably why it’s so easy to take notice when companies like Pangalore announce a game like Knightly Adventure.

Knightly Adventure is indeed a social game, and it does indeed possess a bunch of typical fantasy RPG elements; stuff like medieval kingdoms, quests, hostile monsters, colorful storybook-like graphics, and so on. But while it adheres to many freemium norms, it also attempts to deviate in that one key area. Amidst all the kingdom building, character customizing, friend gathering, and so on is a much more interactive action RPG approach to the quests. With the option of choosing between four character classes (swordsman, wizard, bowman, or knight) available to further sweeten the deal.

This free-to-play cross-platform (mobile, tablet, or Facebook) super-hyphenated fantasy adventure will be setting up shop in the App Store sometime next month. Presumably and preferably soon.

SoulCraft Review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Sinan Kubba on July 19th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: DEVILISH
Unfussy and uncomplicated quick-fire Action-RPG
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Heroes in Time Review

iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Rob Rich on July 9th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: INTERESTING
Sure the controls sometimes get in the way and many of the mechanics are fairly "standard" at this point, but Heroes in Time is actually a decent RPG with an unexpectedly interesting story.
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Samurai Tiger Review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Rob Rich on June 20th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarblankstarblankstar :: LACKS BITE
Some legendary warriors aren't all that legendary.
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Avenger Review

iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Rob Rich on June 7th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: A LITTLE CHOPPY
It's more than a little rough around the edges, and a little in the middle, but Avenger is still a surprisingly cool action game.
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City King Review

iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Rob Rich on May 22nd, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: FIGHT FOR IT
Fight for control over real-world locations (literally!) in this location-based social RPG.
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Glorious Quest Review

iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Rob Rich on May 11th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: KEEP IT SIMPLE
Glorious Quest has its problems, but it's a fun little pick-up-and-play action RPG.
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ILLUSIA 2 Review

By Rob Rich on April 20th, 2012
GAMEVIL follows up one of their lesser-known titles, but has time (and a bit more effort) allowed the sequel to surpass the original? Not exactly, no.
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DevilDark: The Fallen Kingdom Review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Carter Dotson on April 17th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarblankstarblankstar :: DARK TIMES
DevilDark: The Fallen Kingdom is an action-RPG that makes the mistake of being too monotonous.
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Arranger is a Different Sort of Action RPG

Posted by Rob Rich on April 16th, 2012

Hearing about an adventure/music/rpg is enough to pique my interest, and that's exactly what Arman Bohn's Arranger is setting out to be. However, reading over a few of the more descriptive elements has gotten me more than interested. It's gotten me downright excited, actually.

"The game is an Adventure/RPG that combines elements from classics like The Legend of Zelda, WarioWare and the original Sierra adventure games," according to the developer. Now if that doesn't get people's attention then I suppose there's no hope for the world. The mini-game laden adventure is looking pretty fantastic in a simple, retro-esque sort of way. Players will be controlling the tiny musician as they attempt to save the world in a less-then-typical fashion. Rather than direct combat or level-grinding, they'll be gathering a number of musical instruments in order to craft a tune that will avoid whatever this particular catastrophe entails.

Arranger is still a little ways out, being slated for a Summer 2012 release, but it definitely looks like something to keep an eye on. If the trailer below is any indication, it just might be worth the wait. It's also apparently going to have some great music.

HeroesAndZombies Review

iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Jordan Minor on April 9th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarblankstarblankstar :: Brain-dead
In a world full of zombies a lone hero will do whatever he can to take them all out.
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Brandnew Boy Review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Rob Rich on April 4th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: ROOKIE OF THE YEAR
It seems to have popped up out of nowhere, with very little attention on the App Store all things considered, but this is one action rpg that shouldn't be missed.
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