Expenses Planner Review
Price: $2.99
Version: 1.0.3
App Reviewed on: iPhone 5
iOS IntegrationRating:

User InterfaceRating:

Re-use Value Rating:

Overall Rating:

Most expense apps are great at keeping track of money spent and earned, but few help users to manage future expenses quickly and easily. Expenses Planner is a new app that aims to solve this problem by reminding users of upcoming expenses and due dates so that they avoid late fees and stay on top of their finances.
Adding an expense is relatively easy. There are fields for the name of the account, and the amount owed along with the due date. There are also fields where users can set a reminder time, date, and frequency. When expenses are added, the total amount is shown at the top of the main screen. Each bill shows the due date along with the amount owed so users can glance over their future expenses quickly.
The upper left corner of the screen features the Settings options. This is where users can go in and adjust the app to their needs such as changing the text size, adding an autocomplete, selecting a time picker interval, and choosing what events show up on the Badge.
Expenses Planner is minimalistic at heart, and that’s what makes it so attractive. It’s sleek, well-designed, and there aren’t a bunch of confusing options like so many other finance apps tend to include. Furthermore, full voiceover support helps make it more user friendly. Anyone who doesn’t have a finance app and perhaps those who just want something simpler should consider adding this to their library today.