Shot & Find Review
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Shot & Find Review

Our Review by Jennifer Allen on April 9th, 2014
Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar :: IMAGE BASED SEARCHING
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Search for mostly anything, simply by taking a photo of it with this cool app.

Developer: Haritz Garcia Oliden
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.11
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5

iPhone Integration Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar
User Interface Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar
Re-use Value Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar

Shot & Find is a remarkably clever app. As its description explains, it allows one to take a photo of pretty much anything and it'll send the user to a relevant site about the topic. It sounds too good to be true, but it's impressively accurate.

It's an app that works best when dealing with a form of media. Users can opt to take a photo of a film poster, album cover, or pretty much anything imaginable, and Shot & Find does a decent job of finding a relevant result. Depending on the choice taken, Shot & Find can retrieve YouTube, Spotify, Amazon, Google, or Wikipedia information on the topic. Unfortunately there's no way of it retrieving all that information at once, but it's a pretty solid starting point.

I tested it out on a mixture of film posters, DVD covers, album covers, and even my laptop bag to see what it produced. Each time, it didn't fail me. Taking a photo of a 'Casino Royale' film poster immediately provided plenty of relevant Google results, while a snap of my Kermit the Frog laptop bag took me to a Wikipedia page all about Kermit. I was impressed.

It doesn't take long for Shot & Find to retrieve results, with a history function making it easy to go back and look at something already snapped. I'd have appreciated a way in which to view multiple different search results at once, but given the time that Shot & Find saves it's a relatively minor issue.

Shot & Find is a free app, which begs the question of how the developers plan to make any money from it. Given the time saved, I'd have been happy to pay $0.99 for the service. It saved me a lot of effort in typing words for searches, plus it's generally a pretty cool way to search for things. Both as a futuristic gimmick and as a valuable tool, Shot & Find is a great addition to those who regularly search for things.

iPhone Screenshots

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Shot & Find - Visual Search screenshot 1 Shot & Find - Visual Search screenshot 2 Shot & Find - Visual Search screenshot 3 Shot & Find - Visual Search screenshot 4

iPad Screenshots

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Shot & Find - Visual Search screenshot 5 Shot & Find - Visual Search screenshot 6 Shot & Find - Visual Search screenshot 7 Shot & Find - Visual Search screenshot 8
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