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Utilize Your Free Time Better With Glomper

Posted by Jennifer Allen on August 6th, 2012
iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad

Juggling free time to spend with friends and family can be a surprisingly stressful business. How often have you found yourself wondering when to fit people in, or worse of all, finding yourself with some extra time that you didn't realise you'd have, thus not having a plan sorted out? It's a blessed curse really, and it'd be so useful to be able to use that time better. Enter the solution: Glomper Free Time.

Glomper Free Time makes it much simpler to share free time with friends, colleagues and even strangers (if you so wish), by hitting the "I'm free" button, selecting a time and duration, with the app determining the location automatically.

Any friends nearby with the app can then see who's available and what kind of activity they want to get involved in for that period of time.

With enough users, Glomper Free Time should prove a great way of utilizing time better as well as meeting up with potential new friends. Just remember to encourage friends to sign up at the same time as yourself.

Glomper Free Time is out now and free to download.

HipGeo Makes It Simple To Create Location Based Travel Blogs

Posted by Jennifer Allen on July 31st, 2012
iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: TRAVEL FOCUSED :: Read Review »

HipGeo has already proven itself as a great travel blogging app since its launch earlier this year. The latest update should cement that even further.

The update provides full video capability as well as the ability to convert all the photos, video and text uploaded to the service into virtual 'storytelling journals' that can be shared on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, as well as shared with the HipGeo community and via email. Consolidated, it should prove a great tool for avid travellers.

The app groups together photos, videos and texts into a location, so it's simple to browse what's going on and where as part of a coherent album. A Trip Player and Day Map ensures that movements are clearly shown between the photos, videos and writing, making it easy for viewers to catch up on the traveller's progress.

Alongside the ability to create such journals offline, before uploading when inside a Wi-Fi zone, HipGeo is a great all-rounder for those who want to blog their travels.

Use Path's Latest Update To Share Movie Viewing, Book Reading

Posted by Jennifer Allen on July 30th, 2012
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: PLENTIFUL SOCIALIZING :: Read Review »

Everyone's favorite one stop shop of social network apps, Path, has been recently updated to add even more features to lure users in.

Notably, users can share the movies they watch and the books they read with full previews, actor or author details, synopses and reviews. This feature alone should provide some great talking points amongst users.

Other features include an improved camera, new ways to improve photos such as the ability to enhance details in dark or bright photos. It's now simpler and more personal to invite friends to use the app, and there's a new notification system that's more accessible.

Other visual and accessibility changes such as easier video recording and faster photo taking functionality complete the package.

With a regular flurry of updates, Path is fast becoming a very handy social networking tool.

The Path update is available now and the app is freely available for all.

DabKick: A New Way Of Sharing Photos With Friends And Loved Ones

Posted by Jennifer Allen on July 27th, 2012
iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad

There's a new photo sharing app on the App Store and this one doesn't even require the user's friends to have the app in order to view photos!

DabKick is its name and it comes from gaming company GREE's CEO, Naoki Aoyagi.

Working much like other apps, it's easy to add photos from the camera roll album, but the really neat feature is being able to send them to friends instantly, instead of rely on them checking the app. All that's needed is to have their phone number or email in the iOS device's address book.

Users and their friends can swipe back and forth through shots that have been taken, without any need for viewers to download photos to their phone. It's also possible to chat while looking at the photos, and even talk over the phone about them at the same time.

It's an intriguing way of doing things and could really save some time, rather than having to jump between different apps.

DabKick is available now, for free.

PlayUp Goes To The 2012 Olympics

Posted by Jennifer Allen on July 26th, 2012
iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad

We've covered PlayUp before, appreciating its ability to bring sports fans together in their love of their chosen sport. Just in time for the London 2012 Olympics, a major update has been released geared towards keeping users informed during the summer Olympics.

The app offers users all the latest information on their favorite teams and athletes, as well as the latest news on the medal tally. That's 17 days worth of coverage, across 26 sports, 39 disciplines and 302 medal events. Content is geared towards the geographical location of the user, ensuring that the most regionally relevant content is brought to the forefront when first launched.

It also provides free instant messaging around any event and the ability to virtually hang out with friends in private, as well as direct message them and create social groups.

Whether you're excited by the water polo or thrilled by the BMX biking, PlayUp should have you covered this summer Olympics.

Check it out now, it's available for free.

WhatsApp Messenger Review

iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Angela LaFollette on July 25th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: FEATURE-RICH
WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform app and SMS alternative that relies on an internet data plan to send messages to friends through push notifications.
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Ptch Review

iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Dale Culp on July 25th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar :: CREATIVE AND FUN
Share and remix memories and stories in a fun, creative way using little more than your iPhone/iPad. Grab assets from your device or pull them from your social networks quickly and easily with Ptch.
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Organize Evening Plans With Wendr

Posted by Jennifer Allen on July 24th, 2012
iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad

How many nights out around the world rely upon social networking tools to arrange? I've done similar just now, tweeting someone to organize meeting up. It'd be easier to consolidate everything and sort out night time plans in one easy to use place, though. This is exactly where new app Wendr features.

Wendr asks users just one question: 'what are you doing tonight?' then provides all the tools needed to set a plan in motion. With everyone using Wendr, it's simple to see which friends are going out, staying in or open to suggestions. Alongside such simple entries, users can enter exactly what they're doing and where, making it easy to meet up.

Users can only view customizable crews of friends, ensuring there are no privacy concerns, and it's easy to add friends through Facebook to the app.

For those of us sitting in the office trying to organize evening plans, it should save plenty of time.

Wendr is out now and it's free to download.

MyCalendar Mobile Review

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Jennifer Allen on July 24th, 2012
Our rating: starstarstarblankstarblankstar :: SIMPLE
A quite basic but still useful way of being reminded of friends' birthdays.
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Brewster: Offering A Personalized Address Book Experience

Posted by Jennifer Allen on July 17th, 2012
iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad

Brewster has less to do with drinking beer than the name suggests. It could make it a heck of a lot easier to arrange meeting up with friends, however.

The app offers a personalized address book experience. Appreciating that everyone is involved with numerous different social networks, Brewster brings everything together to create a personalized and merged view of your contacts.

Working in conjunction with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Gmail, Foursquare and the iPhone Contacts list, Brewster adds images to every contact, while also providing updates and trends, job changes, house moves, and everything else anyone could ever want from such a consolidated service. It'll even figure out mutual connections which can uncover some surprising results.

Lists ensure that nothing feels too overwhelming, with a favorites list for extra organization. Throughout the app, everything about Brewster is stylish and intuitive to use.

Brewster is out now and it's free to download.

Friendthem: Taking The Effort Out Of Adding Nearby Contacts To Facebook

Posted by Jennifer Allen on July 10th, 2012
iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad

Those of us who regularly attend networking events for work, and those who just hang out at plenty of parties will appreciate this dilemma. You meet someone, you want to get to know them better, either for personal or business purposes, but you forget their full name and lose the chance to add them to Facebook. What do you do?

There's a solution in the form of new app Friendthem. The location-aware app fixes this problem by allowing users to connect on the spot and immediately friend each other on Facebook. There's no need to look up their name or get the exact spelling correct, the app sorts all that out for the user making it an ideal way to hook up online with the person standing next to you, if you so wish.

It's not perfect just yet, as the app relies on people to have Friendthem installed, but it is a great step towards making networking much faster and simpler.

It's free to download, so what have you got to lose in trying it at your next event?

Gabi Review

By Kevin Stout on July 3rd, 2012
Gabi allows users to filter their Facebook information into a great-looking visual representation.
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Tumblr Reaches Version 3.0

Posted by Jennifer Allen on July 2nd, 2012
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

One of the most popular blogging platforms out there, Tumblr has recently updated its iOS app.

Version 3.0 comes with all manners of new features, most notably a completely revamped and sleeker dashboard. Increasing compatibility with the iOS format, tap based functionality is improved and swiping through the composing interface has been introduced. It should all make for a much simpler app, ensuring users can blog content even faster than usual.

High resolution photo support is now included, proving particularly beneficial to those of us with the new iPad and iPhone 4S, although the app isn't Universal just yet.

For those without a consistent internet connection or those currently abroad, offline support will be a great hit with users able to post new blogs, reblog content and comment on others' work all while offline.

Spotify support and the ability to search tags is also supplied.

The Tumblr update is available now.

Track Your Romantic History With Weesh

Posted by Jennifer Allen on June 26th, 2012
iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad

Here's an app ideal for the romantics amongst us. Weesh is all about generating romantic relationship timelines from the user and their partner's Facebook profiles. Essentially, it's a lovely way of keeping track of the history between a couple.

Right from the outset, the app collates information from each person's Facebook account, thus creating a timeline of the memories. Weesh then offers a shared photo album for the couple so they can upload moments they've had together, as well as a mapping feature to keep track of where they've visited together.

Weesh helps plan for the future, also, with the introduction of the Weesh board, allowing couples to add things they'd like to do, as well as a section that reminds them of special events such as birthdays or anniversaries.

Ultimately though, Weesh is a sweet way of bringing together a variety of memories. Couples are bound to enjoy this free experience.

Private Social Networking With Burst

Posted by Jennifer Allen on June 25th, 2012
+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Many people have privacy concerns when it comes to social networks such as Facebook, understandably so, especially when dealing with images of family members such as children.

Burst is the latest app hoping to encourage users away from bigger networks, with a focus on sharing just with close friends and family. The app requires just one touch to capture then store and organize mobile videos and photos. It's then simple to share such moments with the special people in one's life.

Burst can tag and title those moments along with information from the user's calendar with everything securely stored in the cloud.

Users can restrict who views the content and be notified via Push notifications, email or SMS when a family member comments on the images.

For those looking for a more secure social networking app, Burst will prove invaluable.

Burst is out now and it's an Universal app.