Masters of the Masks Review
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Masters of the Masks Review

Our Review by Jennifer Allen on April 23rd, 2015
Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: SPARK OF INTEREST
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Masters of the Masks is a standard RPG with a few extras to make it stand out.

Developer: Square Enix
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0.7
App Reviewed on: iPhone 5

Graphics / Sound Rating: starstarstarstarblankstar
Gameplay Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar
Playtime Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar
Replay Value Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

In some ways, Masters of the Masks is yet another fairly typical RPG from Square Enix. The firm hasn’t offered as much magic to the mobile format in recent times. However, while a lot of Masters of the Masks is formulaic, its cel-shaded graphics and a surprisingly intricate mask creation system will keep you interested.

There’s the usual plot line of having to save the world from an evil threat. You form a band of warriors pursuing this mission, working your way through various stages. There’s little room for deviating from the plan. Instead, you follow a set path to new battles. These battles are turn based but use line drawing and gestures to perform attacks, rather than the traditional menu driven systems of old.

It’s a fairly speedy way of fighting it out, ensuring this suits the mobile nature of the game. It’s also fairly simple with the main decision being which enemy to draw a line towards first, rather than anything more complex. As is customary for such titles, you can recruit friends or random strangers to aid you in battle, and this often gives you an edge.

It’s all fairly run of the mill stuff, but its the masks that you can create that make things more special. These are put together through the many resources you pick up during battle, and take a few minutes to finish up. There’s a reasonable amount of depth to what can be done here, and it goes some way to making Masters of the Masks more appealing.

The charming graphics work similarly well, helping you get past the fact that this is a game you’ve probably played before. There’s an energy system to slow you down, plus one of those tedious roulette wheels, but Masters of the Masks just about offers enough to keep you interested for a little longer than most.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Masters of the Masks screenshot 1 Masters of the Masks screenshot 2 Masters of the Masks screenshot 3 Masters of the Masks screenshot 4 Masters of the Masks screenshot 5

iPad Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Masters of the Masks screenshot 6 Masters of the Masks screenshot 7 Masters of the Masks screenshot 8 Masters of the Masks screenshot 9 Masters of the Masks screenshot 10
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