Flipped Out – The Powerpuff Girls Match 3 Puzzle / Fighting Action Game review
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Flipped Out – The Powerpuff Girls Match 3 Puzzle / Fighting Action Game review

Our Review by Nick Tylwalk on April 6th, 2016
Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar :: SUGAR AND SPICE
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Flipped Out – The Powerpuff Girls has innovative mechanics and the high production values shine through.

Developer: Cartoon Network

Price: $2.99
Version: 1.0
App Reviewed on: iPad Air 2

Graphics / Sound Rating: starstarstarstarstar
User Interface Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar
Gameplay Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar
Replay Value Rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar

Overall Rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar

You may not have realized it, but The Powerpuff Girls are making a triumphant return to television this month. Never one to miss out on an opportunity, Cartoon Network Games has whipped up Flipped Out - The Powerpuff Girls, which happily manages to be more than just a well-timed tie-in.

It’s really two games in one, thanks to the novel choice to be able to tackle each stage in different ways depending on how you hold your mobile device. Both modes are fun to play, and the authentic visuals and voice work tie them both together nicely.

Sugar Mode

In vertical orientation, Flipped Out - The Powerpuff Girls is a match-3 affair, yet one with enough new elements to keep things interesting. As the board fills up with monsters, the idea is to match three or more of them together to get them out of your hair.

Obviously, that’s not the novel part. What stands out is the way you have to slide the three super-powered girls (Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, in case you’ve forgotten) around the board to get close enough to the monsters to fling them into matches. That mechanic alone makes planning each move carefully an absolutely essential part of the gameplay.

Spice Mode

Flipping your phone or tablet horizontally allows the Powerpuff Girls to take a more hands-on approach, as the game turns into something of a beat ‘em up with simple tap and swipe controls. Though the girls attack monsters automatically, careful timing is still required to counter attacks and activate special moves.

While the basics aren’t hard to master in either case, young gamers may find the Sugar Mode slightly easier to wrap their heads around. The only real drawback is that the game is short - it launched with only four story chapters, and while you can play levels repeatedly to get the best possible score, it’s pretty easy to cruise right through the whole thing in a few days.

Pure Powerpuff Flavor

The true delight in Flipped Out - The Powerpuff Girls is how the attention to detail shines through. A short animated sequence kicks things off to set up the story, and Professor Utonium encourages you and talks while the game is paused.

The animation and voice work is top notch, and should be instantly enjoyable for both old and new fans alike.

The bottom line

Even if it was based around only one of its two game modes, Flipped Out - The Powerpuff Girls would likely be a great experience just based on its production values alone. As it stands, the innovative dual-mechanic option is a winner, and the only thing likely to disappoint those who try it is that they’ll be left wanting more.

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