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Category: Entertainment »


iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Glenn Head on May 19th, 2009
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: Recommended
Galactica offers an interactive experience that will fascinate and mesmerize you, and at $0.99 is well worth the money. Who'd have thought dragging your finger on a screen could be so relaxing?
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SlingPlayer Mobile

iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Bryan Barletta on May 13th, 2009
Our rating: starstarhalfstarblankstarblankstar :: Unimpressive
After almost a year of waiting for this app to hit the shelves, we wind up with a watered down version that all the other mobile platforms have already been enjoying for the same price they paid for a full featured version.
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By Chris Hall on April 23rd, 2009
Our rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: PRETTY FUNNY
FMyLife.com, the website that has started a global craze, has finally come out with an iPhone app. It's not pretty, or quite as featured as the fmylife website, but the app does the the trick of getting you all your favorite FML posts for free, wherever y
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Wave & Show

iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Christine Morris on April 20th, 2009
Our rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: RECOMMENDED
Wave & Show is a way to get someone's attention across a room (or any space). Bright flashing big letters (caps but you can disable that) of your message are visible for quite a long distance. By typing a simple text message and waving it in the air in a
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iPhone & Apple Watch App - Designed for iPhone and Apple Watch, compatible with iPad
By Donna Harrison on April 17th, 2009
Our rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: RECOMMENDED
Although limited in its feature set, this free app from Directv allows you to set your DVR to record programs on the fly. And it works!
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Fast and Furious

iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Arron Hirst on April 16th, 2009
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: RECOMMENDED
Built on speed and launched just in sync with the new upcoming movie, Fast & Furious The Game is the official title from game development studios iPlay, FireMint and Universal Pictures . After the first teaser edition; Fast and Furious: Pink Slip - It's b
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Voodoo Taxman

Posted by Bonnie Eisenman on April 14th, 2009
iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad

Developer: Luminant Software
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.1

Graphics / Sound [rating:2/5]
Controls [rating:3/5]
Entertainment Value [rating:2/5]
User Interface [rating:1/5]
Re-use / Replay Value [rating:1/5]


I hope that most of you are finished with your taxes, but let's face it: that deadline is always terrifying, no matter how well prepared you are. The fear of a "friendly" phone call from the IRS—politely informing you that the government needs to squeeze a few more dollars out of your sorry life in order to fund those bailouts—is never a fun one. How often have you wished that you could get your hands around the necks of those wretched tax collectors?

Voodoo Taxman is a gag app. Let's establish that right away. The whole thing was obviously drawn in MS Paint, and there's no purpose to it, per se. But when has that ever stopped anyone? Sometimes all you need is a bit of good old-fashioned stress relief, and torture is the oldest form of entertainment!

The app opens to a blank office-like environment, with a single odd feature: the "I <3 SATAN" sign. (I have to admit that I love the decor.) Wait a second (or tilt your iPhone), and the angry, glasses-wearing, stiff-necked tax collector himself slides into view, along with some money bags. Egads!

From there, you have a few options. You can shake your iPhone or tilt it to smash the taxman against the wall, or you can poke him in the face to break his glasses. Grabbing him by a limb and shaking will yield some money. That's pretty much the extent of the app. The guy collects bruises and scratches as you abuse him (though, alas, there's never any blood), and the money scatters throughout his tiny little office.

Sure, it's a nifty idea. But it's not as if this is a serious app, and the devs obviously didn't shower their creation with loving efforts. As far as I can tell, multitouch isn't supported. The sound effects, while amusing at first, are minimal and repetitive. The graphics are rough at best (MS Paint! The horror!) and the animations are jerky and awkward. To be honest, the novelty of "sticking it to the taxman" (to quote the iTunes description) wears off in about thirty seconds.

So, is this a funny idea? Heck yeah. Would I waste my money on it? Er, well...no. Just...no. Go get one of the other great apps on sale for a dollar. I'm sure you'll find something (I'm thinking of Pocket God, if you want to fill that sadistic urge). In the meantime, have fun with those taxes!

AirCoaster 3D

By Bonnie Eisenman on April 3rd, 2009
Our rating: starstarstarblankstarblankstar :: AVERAGE
Riding the fall of the stock market? Eh? AirCoaster 3D is a roller coaster simulator with a built-in track editor and an online database for community uploads. Besides the thrill of riding a fake coaster, you can also get some bitter laughs out of riding
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Flixster Movies

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
By Donna Harrison on March 23rd, 2009
Our rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar :: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
With Flixster you can watch movie trailers, view listings for your favorite theaters or check DVD release dates. Now you can also rate movies and share information with friends through Facebook. And they say there's no such thing as free popcorn.
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Jackson Pollock

iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Christine Morris on March 11th, 2009
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: RECOMMENDED
This application brings art to your iPhone. It's a version of the Jackson Pollock web application, and it's fun to be able to paint like the master! You will find yourself showing people this application ...and
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Touch Poet

iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Christine Morris on February 25th, 2009
Our rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar :: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
A unique application to create fantastic poems. It gives you words taken from the works of Shakespeare, Ancient Mariner, Kipling and E. A. Poe. It then adds to the mix a feed from news and Digg. This allows you to create interesting poems which uses the
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iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Gary Lucero on February 10th, 2009
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: ABOVE AVERAGE
When given exactly the right starting photograph, PicTricks can create funny or interesting pictures. Like any image manipulation app, though, it requires time and effort to master, and will just as often frustrate as satisfy. It's definitely worthwhile,
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iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Christine Morris on January 30th, 2009
Our rating: starstarstarstarblankstar :: RECOMMENDED
Access information, view movie clips and trailers from movies that are released or about to be released. Ability to search through categories, dates or keywords and you can add favourites.
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Movie Brain

iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Tom Hesser on January 29th, 2009
Our rating: starstarstarstarhalfstar :: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Movie Brain is like having IMDB in your pocket, but better because it doesn't require the internet! A must-have for movie buffs.
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My Aquarium

iPhone App - Designed for iPhone, compatible with iPad
By Gary Lucero on January 14th, 2009
Our rating: starstarstarhalfstarblankstar :: ABOVE AVERAGE
My Aquarium is a no frills simulated aquarium: While you can pan your view around the tank, you cannot zoom in or out nor can you "mess" with the fish. You add can fish and objects, and it supports landscape and portrait modes, but offers little else in t
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