Where's My Mickey?, the newest and possibly best in the Where's My series, has been announced to support the upcoming Mickey Mouse short cartoons. New gameplay types and characters are included in this episode, too, with both Mickey Mouse and Goofy featured in the over 100 levels in this game, releasing on Thursday, June 20th.

Building on previous games in the series, Where's My Mickey includes new play mechanics like weather, new characters like Goofy, and whole new and original episodic stories. The Disney Mobile team has really amped up the quality on an already great game, adding amazing transitions and great stories that tie each episode together, making this installment truly shine.

Where's My Mickey? will be released for both the smaller screen iPhone and iPod touch ($0.99) as well as for iPad ($1.99). The iPad version will include some special XL levels that are much larger than normal levels. Each game will also include in-app purchase to unlock special Goofy levels.

We'll have a full review later this week. Keep an eye out for this one.

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Tagged With: Disney
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