App Description

To play, you just click a cell. When it is the next turn to play, the game grid is strategically assessed and each cell is assigned a priority value according to its strategic value in the game. After rating all of the cells, the player plays either the highest rated cell, or in the case of jointly rated cells, a random cell chosen from the joint highest rated cells. The used cells will never be chosen in this decision making algorithm as they are always assigned a rating of -1 which will always make them the lowest rated cells.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

TicTacToe Utimate Lite screenshot 1 TicTacToe Utimate Lite screenshot 2 TicTacToe Utimate Lite screenshot 3

App Changes

  • March 11, 2015 Initial release
  • March 24, 2015 New version 1.1

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