App Description

With Flamenco Costume Booth you'll look as an authentic Spanish Flamenco Dancer. Show your friends how attractive you look with your frilly sleeves and your elegant Spanish hat!

All in Costume Booth Flamenco has been made with love. From the hand-made graphics by the Spanish artist Mar Ballesteros, to the polished interface. Get fun!

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Crazy Flamenco Costume Booth - A Funny Photo Editor and Uploader screenshot 1 Crazy Flamenco Costume Booth - A Funny Photo Editor and Uploader screenshot 2 Crazy Flamenco Costume Booth - A Funny Photo Editor and Uploader screenshot 3 Crazy Flamenco Costume Booth - A Funny Photo Editor and Uploader screenshot 4 Crazy Flamenco Costume Booth - A Funny Photo Editor and Uploader screenshot 5

iPad Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Crazy Flamenco Costume Booth - A Funny Photo Editor and Uploader screenshot 6 Crazy Flamenco Costume Booth - A Funny Photo Editor and Uploader screenshot 7 Crazy Flamenco Costume Booth - A Funny Photo Editor and Uploader screenshot 8 Crazy Flamenco Costume Booth - A Funny Photo Editor and Uploader screenshot 9 Crazy Flamenco Costume Booth - A Funny Photo Editor and Uploader screenshot 10

App Changes

  • June 12, 2014 Initial release

Other Apps From Mar Ballesteros Lorenzo

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