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App Description

CalcBoost is a versatile calculator with a sleek interface and additional functionality for copying and sharing results. Here's an overview of its features:
Calculator Operations: Users can perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division using the provided buttons.
Clearing Data: The "AC" button clears all entered data, including the expression and result, resetting the calculator for new calculations.
Input Validation: The app ensures that the entered expression is valid before computing the result, providing appropriate error messages for invalid inputs such as missing operands.
Result Display: Calculated results are displayed prominently in a labeled area for easy viewing by the user.
Copy Result: Users can copy the calculated result to the device's clipboard by tapping the "Copy" button, enabling them to paste it into other applications or documents.
Share Result: The app allows users to share the calculated result with others via various communication channels, including messaging, email, and social media, using the "Share" button.
Visual Enhancements: The interface features rounded buttons and styled text fields, enhancing the app's visual appeal and user experience.
Overall, this app offers a user-friendly and feature-rich calculator experience for performing calculations efficiently and conveniently sharing the results as needed.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

CalcBoost screenshot 1 CalcBoost screenshot 2 CalcBoost screenshot 3 CalcBoost screenshot 4 CalcBoost screenshot 5

App Changes

  • May 09, 2024 Initial release