What's New

- A completely revamped user interface
- The app now has game-like elements and includes a car game
- A brand new built-in tutorial
- And much more!

App Description

The Biodiesel Simulation game is a completely free app that simulates the production process of biodiesel. This biodiesel is clean fuel produced from organic and renewable resource like plants and can be easily produced in a processor from inexpensive reactors such as used cooking oil, by only using a simple heater and thermostat. In other words, biodiesel could someday replace the regular diesel fuel that we use today! The goal of this app, then, is to help us someday achieve that goal. Indeed, by using this app, YOU can contribute to science and help us figure out the best ways to make biofuel, which in turn could help raise its popularity.
And with this app, contributing to science has never been easier! Just chose the reactants or “inputs” for your biodiesel reaction and hit the simulate button! After that, the app will put the biodiesel that YOU JUST MADE to the test. It will do this by putting your newly created biodiesel into a virtual car and seeing how far that the car can go! If it goes anywhere at all, that is.

Changing the world has never been so simple. So, what are you waiting for? Download the app and get simulating!

App written by Kyle Zawacki.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Biodiesel Simulation screenshot 1 Biodiesel Simulation screenshot 2 Biodiesel Simulation screenshot 3

iPad Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

Biodiesel Simulation screenshot 4 Biodiesel Simulation screenshot 5 Biodiesel Simulation screenshot 6

App Changes

  • June 13, 2014 Initial release
  • March 21, 2015 New version 2.0

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