What's New

- Added search function for My Pins;
- Added search function for Trading Post;

App Description

This app is designed for all Disney pin enthusiasts.
The considerate functions all for you:
1. Exhibit all your collection clearly.
- all of you pins can show clearly on your device.
- the pin title and description.
2. Manager your pins more efficiency.
- take a photo for your pin.
- mark a title for your pin.
- write a description if you want.
- select category of the pin.
- enable "Share" function if you want to trade with other.
- write a description for the sharing.
- tap "save"
3. Collect your favorites more easily.
- all traders may put their pins to this Trading Post.
- find your favories, tap "TRADING".
- trader will receive the require and contact with you.
4. Disney pin enthusiasts from all over the world can get together trade their precious pins.
- chat, send image and discuss in Chat Room.
- your can chat with the traders to reach a deal.

iPhone Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

PinTrading : Fun Day screenshot 1 PinTrading : Fun Day screenshot 2 PinTrading : Fun Day screenshot 3 PinTrading : Fun Day screenshot 4

App Changes

  • December 08, 2015 Initial release
  • December 16, 2015 New version 2.5.2

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