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Apple Posts Q1 2009 Results - iPhone Sales Still Strong

Posted by Jeff Scott on January 21st, 2009

Quarterly results are in -- Apple reports record revenue of $10.17 billion and record net quarterly profit of $1.61 billion. This is the first quarter ever that Apple has posted revenue over 10 billion dollars.

Apple sold 2.5 million computers in the quarter (+9% y/y). Desktop sales are down about 25% while portable (laptop) sales are up around 34%.

They have also bucked the trend of luxury retailers and actually seen retail growth of 2% in the quarter ending 12/27/2008 at the 251 Apple retails stores.

Coming just a few days after Apple announced that there have been over 500 million app downloads, we now know to whom all those apps are being sold. Apple sold 22.7 million iPods in the quarter (3% growth y/y) -- it's expected that a modest number of those are iPod Touches but they represent a greater percentage of the revenue. In addition, they announced that 4.4 million iPhones (88% growth y/y) were sold in the last quarter bringing the total to 13.7 million for the year.

In addition, Apple re-affirmed commitment to the Apple TV, seeing 3x growth in sales year over year. Stressing that it's still considered a hobby and that they see growth in the segment in the future.

[ Full details: Apple Reports First Quarter Results - Apple PR ]

Philnote Disappoints Us -- Just Like the Typical Stevenote Does

Posted by Jeff Scott on January 6th, 2009

Well, the keynote is over and no significant iPhone news. No significant news at all, really. Quick roundup: new 17" MacBook Pro, new iWork, new iLife, DRM free iTunes music.

The only iPhone related news had to do with other products mainly. First, there are some new slideshow formats you can sync to the iPhone from the updated iPhoto. Whoop-tee-do! Second, all songs in the iTunes Music Store will be DRM free by the end of this quarter (that's March 31st to you and me). And there will be variable pricing (you know -- all the songs you want will cost more while the ones you don't want will cost less). And finally there will be a Keynote Remote app available for the iPhone. While these are great and wonderful things to some, to me it's just meh...

Where's the iPhone Nano? Were the case manufacturers just playing with us?

Where's the notification service? You know, the one that we were told would launch in September 2008? The one that was in the iPhone SDK, then pulled? Where's iChat for the iPhone?

But most importantly, where is MMS? Every $9 phone has that now. Why doesn't the most advanced phone in the world have it? I bet that new Palm to be announced tomorrow will have it.

I guess we'll have to just keep waiting for these things. Apple always does things on their own time schedule. But, come on! Please, Steve? Or Phil? Or anyone? Pretty please? Or maybe, I will look at that new palm? I wonder how many apps you can load on that device?

Call for Writers for 148apps.com

Posted by Jeff Scott on December 18th, 2008

At 148apps.com we have always taken pride in putting out great reviews not lots of reviews. We only publish reviews for about 1 in 30 of the apps we try out. But with the number of apps coming out, we need to start publishing more reviews. That means we need more quality review writers. If you think this is something you might be interested in doing, read on for further details.