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Tag: live.ly »

How to find friends on live.ly

Posted by Nick Tylwalk on July 5th, 2016

When live.ly first released, it was about as bare bones as you could get. You could use the app to easily live stream video of yourself, which was the whole point, but you couldn't do much else with it.

The folks at musical.ly have updated the app several times since its launch, and while those updates haven't added a ton of functionality to live.ly, it's correct to say it does more than it did even a week ago and makes you feel like more of a part of a community of fellow streamers.

How to get started with live.ly

Posted by Nick Tylwalk on June 27th, 2016

One could be forgiven for thinking that there are already plenty of streaming video apps out there. It's just that the App Store charts would insist that you're mistaken.

The recently released live.ly by musical.ly has shot straight to number one in the U.S., suggesting that there's room for another player in this segment after all. What is it offering that's different? That's what we're here to help with, as we dig into how to get started with live.ly and "broadcast your life as it happens."