Plant-Mate Gives Green Thumb to Everyone

Posted by Tony Kicks on March 22nd, 2010

I love plants, I really do, I love trees, grass, heck at this point I'd even take a big clump of weeds, but living here in Phoenix means the closest I'll get to green vegetation will be the salad I have for lunch. Sure some people manage to grow grass or even trees down here but you're talking to a guy who managed to kill a cactus last summer. Seriously, somehow while living in the middle of the desert I managed to kill a cactus. Don't ask me how, they don't even need water to survive, or so I bad. Fortunately for me, and mother nature, Yanko Design has come out with a new concept for monitoring a garden called the Plant-Mate. This is still a concept design but the way it would work is by strategically sticking Plant-Mates into the ground around your garden and the solar powered device would then notify you via push alerts of both the nutrient and moisture conditions of the soil along with the sun exposure and outside temperature the plants are experiencing. The accompanying iPhone app has a custom map of your yard with each transponder alerting you independently. Hopefully if this ever goes to mass production they'll find a way to integrate control of your in-ground sprinkler system but we'll have to wait and see.